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i screwed up


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i told him something i had early lied about as well as that i loved him when i was drunk. he hasnt talked to me since then. thursday......and i am so worried. weve been together 6 months.

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I wouldn't worry too much yet, although if you normally see him on weekends this may be a sign of a problem.


I think when we are drunk we say things we actually want to tell the other person but just can't get up enough courage when we are sober. However, under the influence of alcohol, we are far more blunt and less careful about our wording.


If I were you, I would call him and explain more fully whatever it was you lied about and why. Don't bring up the part about telling him you love him unless he does. Then let him know just how you feel.


If what you lied about was very important to him and he relied heavily on it to make decisions about you and his relationship with you, he may feel betrayed or decieved or both. But if it wasn't all that important, I really wouldn't worry about it.


Get to him as soon as possible and set everything straight with him...when you are stone sober.

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