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Would it mean that have low -self-steem if i talk to ugly females?

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As soon as I saw your name I knew this had to be entertaining.


So tell me Mike, why do you ask this question? I think that there is no such thing as an ugly female. There is someone for everyone's taste. What may be ugly to you can be beautiful to someone else.

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well iam just curious..that all..so there is not such thing as a ugly female??


Well there this woman who is 400pounds and has chubby cheeks and look like a man.. sorry.. :o

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I'm pretty sure there is someone out there that considers her big and beautiful ;) It's not a matter of self-esteem but more a matter of taste.

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Maybe you talk to them because it would be rude not to talk? It's okay not to be attracted to people. Just don't date people you aren't attracted to, or let them think you're attracted to them when you're not. etc.

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Originally posted by mike78207

Would it mean that have low -self-steem if i talk to ugly females? I mean talk to females that are not so pretty..


Well regardless of anyone's "looks", they're still a human being who's worthy of being talked to.


Do you intentionally seek out women you don't find attractive?? (or "ugly" as you put it) If so, why?


OR, is it nothing but coincidence that women you talk to are not attractive to you?


Beauty's in the eye of the beholder.......what is "ugly" to you might be gorgeous to another guy.

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i think that you have very good self esteem if you talk to 'ugly' females, if you had low self esteem, you wouldnt want to settle for 'less' than the best, because of being afraid of being judged.at least thats the way i feel

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I think that if you actually think that talking to 'ugly females' somehow lessens you that you need to be a little less shallow about humans and life in general.

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I talk to everybody. Being a friendly, outgoing person makes me feel good about myself, hence, good self esteem.

Doing a 60 yr old lady from the library didn't hurt your self esteem any did it?

Just keep talking. One of these "ugly" women may end up having the best heart and soul in the world. If anything you will make friends. Can't have too many of those!

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Just keep talking. One of these "ugly" women may end up having the best heart and soul in the world. If anything you will make friends. Can't have too many of those!


Well said!!

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Its about attitude, if you don't like talking to ugly people, then that is minues five points off your attitude. If you judge, thats another minus 5 points. etc...


People are going to think what they are going to think, and there is nothing you can do about that.


I talk to all kinds of females, the ugly ones are the ones that have bad attitudes about life, no matter how hot or good looking they are, they can turn a guy off.

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Well by * ugly females * I assume you mean females that * act ugly * inside ?


As well as attractive females that act ugly inside ?


Similar to *males* who act ugly on the outside ?


Do you want to talk to this * ugly * females because she is not the stereotypical * hottie " and your friends will make fun of you for liking her ?


Or do you want to acknowledge that your shallowness could possibly be considered as * ugly *?

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Originally posted by mike78207

Would it mean that have low -self-steem if i talk to ugly females? I mean talk to females that are not so pretty..



Well MIKE:


I don't know if this applies to you or not but studies show that men who pursue attractive women are more confident, assertive, successful and have higher self esteem (or percieved self esteem)


take from it what you will,

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it doesn't mean you have low self-esteem, but please if you're not interested in a girl do her and yourself a favor and don't lead her on. she may be ugly according to you but she is still a human being and deserves respect. I don't think you have low self-esteem because you talk to "ugly" girls, but the fact that you're even asking this question says a lot about your self-image. no one is begging you to talk to these girls so if it's bugging you so much then don't.

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