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So I finally broke things off with my gf..

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Well good for you, you deserve to move on. Obviously she did not care enough since she cheated. I'm sure with time you will find someone who deserves you.

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Hang in there sweetie!


You deserve someone who you can trust.. you'll find her:)

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Originally posted by Merin

Hang in there sweetie!


You deserve someone who you can trust.. you'll find her:)


Thank you.

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i'm glad you decided against a relationship with a girl you cant trust through her own doing, i always like to think the best of people but you were on a road to nowhere with that one. It takes strength of character to walk away.


i hope your recent history doesnt cloud your opinions of us girls, take it slow when you meet someone new so you know shes worth feeling for before you fall in love.

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Hey dude- For whatever its worth, from what I've heard, you made the right decision. You've been getting some bad apples, but there are a lot of people out there who value honesty. Don't settle for anything less. Someday you'll find the right woman and you'll be so glad you were strong enough to ditch the sub-par exes.


Now, if I could just take my own advice. :)



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Thanks. Last night she actually felt compelled to send me an email that basically blames *me* for having exes that cheated on me and lied to me. Isn't love grand?...

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I think she's crazy. Maybe you're attracted to crazy women? I dunno. She's the one who secretly spent a weekend in Tahoe with another guy who she admitted to having some feelings for. I don't care how you rationalize that, its all the same.

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Originally posted by tanbark813

Thanks. Last night she actually felt compelled to send me an email that basically blames *me* for having exes that cheated on me and lied to me. Isn't love grand?...


:mad: MG!


Don't ya just love that?! My EX blamed me for the reason he is a Liar.. that I somehow "made" him be a jackass.. pppssshhhhh!

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A cheater will always blame the one they betrayed for THEIR OWN failure to keep their legs together / fly done up. It's amazing how they all follow very predictable patterns.


She's a psycho hose beast, man. You're better off without her.

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A cheater will always blame the one they betrayed for THEIR OWN failure to keep their legs together / fly done up. It's amazing how they all follow very predictable patterns.


So true, so true! My ex cheated on me...and told me it was my fault b/c I should have noticed he wanted out of the relationship and I didn't! Isn't that BS?


Tanbark: Good for you! It's easy to take them back b/c you miss them or you feel lonely...but the immediate pain of breaking up is worth it. Or else you'll have a whole relationship filled with lies, mistrust, fighting etc. You did the right thing. WooHoo!



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I totally agree about the common patterns. I don't know why people can't just take responsibility for their actions.

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