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Why do people feel so comfortable announcing to everyone how skinny someone is? I am very self conscious of my weight, I've always been very thin and since I was a little girl my whole family would constantly comment on how skinny I am. Even now as an adult EVERY family function I go to, the first thing anyone says after I take my coat off is "Are you losing weight again?" Even if I've been at the same weight I was at the last time I saw them, it always gets brought up. Well I'm 29 now and have a big complex about my wieght, I constantly battle with it. I lose weight very easily but have a very hard time putting it back on.


Just a couple of weeks ago, I was at work and took off my sweater and had on a three quarter length sleeve shirt, one of my co-workers says...........OH MY GOD......YOU'VE LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT YOU LOOK ANNOREXIC!!! :o Then proceeded to call all of my other co-workers over too look at how skinny my arms are. I understand they do not know that this is an issue with me because of how my family always was, but why do people feel so comfortable in shouting something like that out. I would never walk up to someone and say OH MY GOD LOOK HOW FAT YOU ARE!!!!


I have lost weight due to certain stressful circumstances going on in my life right now, but maybe only 10 pounds. I don't think I look annorexic, but now I'm really self conscious of it, even more so then before. I have a healthy appetite, I just have a fast metablolism and burn it off quickly I guess.


So now everyone here at work is bringing me all of their left overs or trying to shove chocolate down my throat, I can hear them all the time saying.....Give it to her we need to fatten her up.


UGH!!! Just leave my weight alone!

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trust me, if you were fat it would happen as well!

the thing with thinness is everyone else wants to be thin, so if you re too thin it just makes them seem fatter.


it will always be something.

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