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From friends to lovers to non-friends?

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I'm working with someone that was showing interest in me. We went to lunches for a couple of months and would chat at work a lot. He spent a lot of time asking me questions that you would ask someone you are interested in. We always had a good time and have similar senses of humor.


Then there was a lot of flirting for a couple of months and back and forth. Along with still going to lunch. Basically...we finally had sex. I feel like he is barely talking to me now and trying to make this just a hookup situation. I actually don't mind, I like having sex with him and am fine with it because not everyone is going to want a relationship with you. But I didn't think we would stop being friends. He just doesn't talk to me like he used to and I miss the friendship.


Has anyone seen this before? I guess this is a guy move. He wants to keep me from feeling attached or something?


Anyway, I want to end things and tell him that it feels like he is having a hard time being friends with me now since we started having sex. If I have to choose, I would rather have his friendship back. What does everyone else think?

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