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Help asking out a crush . . . .

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Alright well here's my story.


I'm a Sophmore at college and there is this girl, who is a Freshman. But all semseter I've had the biggest crush on this girl, and not until recently I asked my friend who is friends with this girl, if she could help me out. She said that she'd talk to my crush for me, and see if she can't put in a few good words.


Well she talked to her, and the result was great! My friend told her, "my friend thinks you are really cute". My crushes reply to this was, "oh that's really sweet!", and my friend said that she had a really big smile on her face and my crush also said, "he's a really nice guy too . . . " Then my crush was telling my friend about how stressed out she is lately with Finals coming up and all, so then my friend said, "maybe you should flirt around (with me)". My crushes reply to this was, "maybe I will that sounds fun". So this obviously left me in a position to want to advance and talk to the girl. You see, I haven't really talked to her much at all, but I know a lot about her from friends of mine who do know her, and I just think that we'd make a great match. Anyway everytime I get up the nerve to talk to her I can't find her, and every other time I choke because I don't know what to say. Also she does have a friend back at home that she used to date, and her and that guy are really close I guess (although they aren't dating anymore), so that also makes me nervous to approach her as well.


I guess what I want to do is approach my crush and talk to her for a while, and possibly see if she wants to try having a date with me, but how do I go about doing this with someone I only really know through other people? How do I ask her out without making it seem to abrupt?

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You could always start out by going out with a group of friends that you both know. It might ease that 'first date' tension and get you warmed up for when you want to take her out on a more romantic sort of thing. It would just be a matter of setting up some friends to all go out together and do something.

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yeah i guess I could try doing that, going out with her and a group of friends, but everyone is busy right now, with Finals and stuff coming up, so it's too hard to actually go out with all of those people.


I guess I'm just sort of worried that if I don't do anything before intercession (when colleges get out and we get over a month off!) then she'll go back home to her ex and after intercession will have no more interest in other guys.


I don't know . . . .

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What about something simple like going for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate on a study break? You could drop it very casually and meet there, or you could walk with her there (if its closeby).

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This girl is probably really cute...because I know personally I have no problem approching ugly girls and saying whatever I want. I am also a sophmore in college and I know how it feels. This is drastic, but pretend she is the most disguisting person in the world when you walk up to her. Say whatever you want and say something to make her smile. If she said that you were "cute" then go for it...what do you have to lose

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmmmmm, so if a girl thinks you're cute... does that mean she likes you? Or what?


I know... just look at my av, I am damn cute - could it be possible that she was just pointing out a fact?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, you already know that she's been told that you think she's cute. And she likes that. Round one to you.

She says (not to your face, but that is even better in its own way) that she thinks you're a nice guy. Score another one.

She's receptive to the idea of flirting with you.


I'm just repeating stuff you've told us already. I say go for it! Ask her to something - it can be low-key or a group setting if you're nervous. If she's too busy with finals, then she's too busy with finals, but that doesn't mean you can't ask again later.


I know how you feel, though. I've stalled on girls I liked before too, especially with my last crush who, like yours, had an air of being too busy all the time. But I'd never stall when I had as much going for me as what you've described already. Go for it!

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