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Oversensitive, or has a line been crossed?

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Yes, you are allowing him to treat you that way.


Don't act like you're taking a stand. The only way to show him that you deserve BETTER than a guy who kisses other girls when drunk, is to dump him. And find a guy who won't flirt when drunk.


You claim to be showing him that you won't stand for this behavior. You're not showing him this! I understand it's hard to dump a guy you really like or love.


My ex did the same to me, albeit not in front of me and his friends. It never changed. We were best friends as well as lovers, so I GET that it's hard to fathom dumping a guy u get along with so well.


We are not it for them. They wouldn't have done this to us if they were head over heals in love with us.


I'm good friends with my ex still. We get along super awesome- but that won't make him fall in love with me. It'll only serve to make these guys GROW to love us over time, opposed to actually falling IN love with us.



You will feel a great sense of relief when you leave him and open yourself up to a guy that'll genuinely fall in love with you and never pull that **** on u.

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This really sounds more like really-drunk-guy-doing-stupid-drunk-s**t than really-drunk-guy-doing-shady-s**t.


There is a difference there.


Making out with somebody is crossing the line, but doing something half-creepy half-flirty with your girlfriend next to you?


More an indicator of him doing something embarrassing and stupid, than an indicator of him being untrustworthy. IMHO.


And not worth breaking up over, if everything else is going ok.


And no, there's no absolute guarantee it won't happen again. But then again, there's no guarantee that another boyfriend who never pulled something like that, wouldn't cheat on you either.


Half the posts in the infidelity section start with "I never saw it coming!"



I agree, this looks really silly and stupid more than serious and intentional.


Easy fix, don't let him go out drinking with the boys until you are comfortable.

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I bring it up, and he says he has no memory of it.


This is the most disturbing part of it.


If he at least could say, "I don't know what I was thinking. I was feeling insecure (or whatever). I really screwed up. Please give me the chance to show you that I can do better by you," then I could get that.


But if he claims to be unconscious of it, then he either really can't be trusted to not cheat or do anything else when drinking, or he's lying and unable to cop to his actions.


Drinking to the point of forgetting one's behavior is pretty advanced drinking, I think.

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