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Really want to get to know this girl.

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Well, there is this girl that rides the bus with me in the afternoon on the way home from school. She usually sits by herself, and there is usually a group of us guys in the back of the bus talking and and stuff. Lately and even today I have been noticing her looking back directly at me. She would seem like she is looking around but she would glimps at me and even stare at me directly in the eyes for a few seconds, before I look at her and she looks away. She kept doing this throughout the bus ride. And when the bus stopped us guys were talking and she turned around and looked like she wanted to join in on our conversation, and intead she was looking me directly in my eyes, I would look at her, and even after I look away she would continue to stare me in my eyes. Maybe she is trying to tell me something by doing this but I don't know. I really want to talk to her. I guess I just won't know what to say to her. I dont have a problem talking to girls, it's just that approaching her at a particular time like that would kinda feel akward. I know her name and stuff, i just dont talk to her because I dont know her. We have exchanged a few words to each other, but nothing more than that. She is a really hot girl. By the way I am a senior in high school and I think she is a sophomore in high school. So that would make her about 2 years younger than me. Please help me I really want to get to know this girl.

Thanks everyone.

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people tend to look at things they like and avoid looking at things they don't like...


sounds to me like she is attracted to you, at least physicially


next time you get on the bus sit by yourself in a seat next to hers and start a light but funny conversation about anything at all.

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well idk what to say about this


The girl is obviously checking you out, and since she is hot like you say, go for it! The next time you two are on the bus, try sitting alone like alphamale said, and see if she comes to you, or even try just approaching her and being like, "hey what's up?" Give her a compliment maybe if she's wearing something that looks really good to you also. I wouldn't get too nervous, just go for it! She probably has a crush on you!

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i have been through a situation where i sat next to a girl on the bus...and it did not go very well...i suggest reading my other post...and learn from it

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I haven't talked to her yet. It seems as if there is constantly more and more people riding the bus that arent supposed to. I usually get on the bus before her, and when I grab a seat next to where I think she is going to sit, and someone else sits there. Then someone else sits in from of me and someone else sits in front of the seat where i was hoping she would sit. So she would end up like a seat or two ahead of me. It aggrivates me because I really want to talk to her, but it is so hard working up the nerve to with all the other guys on the bus. I think that if there werent so many of us it would be so much easier. She doesn't talk to them but it still aggrivates me when a bunch of other people sit around me before she gets on the bus. I get nervous when I think about it towards the end of the day, I try to relax, but the only way for me to relax is talking to her, once I talk to her it will go away. Please any more thoughts would really help.


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I think that i agree with the rest. Just go for it. look it this way. what if you didnt do anything. And then years later here from her that she was just waiting for you to go to her and ask her out or anything just to get to know you.


Many times we dont take the move because we are afraid of failure. And when it comes to love or being love or anything of that in its initiation phase, then just try.


The most important is to be yourself. And dont let any chance go away. You'll newer know untill you try.


I have had good and bad experiences with these kind of situations. So let me give you a small trick, not sure it will work. here it comes:


i dont know when you will meet her again, but just tell your self: I dont expect anything. If it happens it happens. try to block it out so when you finally step into the bus, you will have less time to think!!! becaue that, funny enough , is the last thing you should do. Its the thinking which has prevented you to do something in the first place.


Just tell your self and dont expect anything. And...last suggestion...try to go to the stop where she is...find the best excuse/reason for that. And when you see her waiting at the bustop. go to her with a smile and say, hiya...this may sound crazy, but i have always wanted to say hello to you. Mind being your chaperone for the short trip (with a smile on your face)...by the way..my name is......normally i dont take this bustop, but because......


just an idea..and good luck...dont forget, she may also be very nervous..just talk to her like you would talk to someone who will be your friend later on....

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Write her a small note that says : "

Hey my name is John ( sp )and it seems this bus gets sooo crowded and I never get a chance to sit next to you and talk ,so I was wondering if you would like to go out and have a burger with me sometime , to get a chance to know eachother...? "


Put your number on there and before she is getting off the bus make it a POINT to move to the front of the bus so that when she passes you, hand her the note and smile " ....


If she LIKES you she is going to read this note and call you !


If she does not like you and was instead staring at the scenery going by.. on the bus ride... then she is not interested and won't call you


Its pretty simple :)

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