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Need Help! Advice

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Need Help! Im just a nice guy that has always sat on the dating sideline. I become to good of friends with girls, and when I think its time to move ito a relation ship or hu i get the old, but your too good of a friend. Now I've like this one girl for some time now. We have have been friends but on and off. Like a love hate thing. Now just in the past few weeks ive been hearing from my friends that she tried to make a move on me. And honestly I couldnt tell. If i even had a clue i would have done it. But now shes saying im scared. And the other night we were alone and she claims i was being to agressive. Not in a forceful way, but to jumpy. I have no idea what the hell is going on. Does anyone have advice.

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Don't analyze it much or put too much pressure on yourself. Just let things happen and don't do anything that doesn't come naturally. If she likes you enough to have been with you for this long, then she likes who you are, and that's what matters in the long run.

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