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Is my friend trying to get rid of me?


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Hi there,

So I'm having a problem with a friend of mine who is female. We have been friends for about two years and she recently moved to goto grad school. She's been gone for about 7 months now, and has been getting very distant. She only replys to emails about every month or so and hardly ever has returned any of my phone calls. When I confront her about it she basically uses the excuse of being busy? We were close, never in a romantic way, but stuff feels different now. I went up there a few months ago to see another friend, and when we got together, I flat out asked her if anything was wrong, she said no. She telle me that she loves hearing from me, even if she doesn't reply.


So my question is.....am I just being weird about this? Or is there something going on here? I can't shake the feeling something is!


Any advice on this would be appreciated!

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I wouldn't make too much out of it. People's lives change and they are sometimes legitimately busy and sometimes people do drift apart.

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