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Things that annoyed you about ex


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Were you dating Norman Bates ;)


Actually, no. :-) But I suspect there were perhaps some issues there. If you know what I mean.

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Yes, I know what you mean. I thought my mother was overbearing but she's not THAT bad!

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Thing is, he would answer. He never stayed on very long, and thankfully, I'm pretty sure he put the phone on silent when we were making out, because I don't remember him ever breaking off from that to pick up the phone. But.


the fact that he would answer in the first place.


On date night.

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I'll jump in!


Although i found them cute at that time but hell, not anymore.


oh mennnn, took me a long time to think..




All in all, don't like everything about her anymore.

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I probably didn't think these things were annoying while in the relationship, but I have had plenty of time to be able to list a few:


Lazy - overall, just lazy.


Biting your nails down to the meat.


Lack of ambition.


Anti social.


Smelling of cigarette smoke. Didn't really bother me until towards the end of the relationship and now since he is smoking more than 2 packs per day.


Oh my. I don't know how you dealt with this - would have driven me crazy, you are better off.

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Blaming me for certain particular lack-of-autonomic-responses on his part


(which btw in case any of you are wondering, a male friend of mine saw me in one of the sundresses I was wearing on one of our dates in which that happened after we broke up--this friend knew about this issue in our relationship--and emphatically exclaimed that "You were wearing that dress? If he couldn't (fill in the blank however non-crudely or crudely you wish to) for you in that, that was all his problem!" To be a little fair to my ex, the poor guy hadn't had a relationship since high school before me, otherwise I would have dumped him on the spot for that.


He never seemed very confident out in public.


On the day of the breakup, he never even said, "I'm breaking up with you," or "It's over," or "We're through." He never said that. I mean, it was obvious from what he said, but he didn't have the chutzpah to clearly articulate what was actually happening.


It took him so long to make a decision.


Way too centered around what his parents thought of him.


Way too unable to either figure out what he wanted and needed apart from what others thought he should, or way too unable to act on them if they were both societally acceptable and contradictory to what others wanted.


After his mother knew we were a couple, she still called on Saturday night, our date night.


He always seemed stiff at the beginning of our times together, as if he were somehow afraid that I would have stopped liking him since the last time we saw each other.


Just a few, I guess. It is unfortunately true that the farther you get from it, the harder time you have remembering the bad stuff, or the stuff that annoyed you.


You are a special person. Clearly this guy was VERY immature in a lot of ways. You liked him enough to at least try. I could learn from you, I wouldn't have lasted more than 2 weeks.

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Well, lets play this game then. I will include mine as well that she hated.


But I Loved her for all of her imperfections, yet she couldn't coop with mine.




* She was super messy (Never cleaned her room, layers of dust, never washed dishes)

* She couldn't control her voice in public places when she discussed gross stuff (like all of her vet clinic stories) - I loved the stories though.

* Awful self-esteem even after 6 years, she couldn't stand infront of the mirrow and say she was pretty

* Zero imagination, was a dead fish in the bed

* Loved to "get" but couldn't understand why she should "give"

* Couldn't control her drinking when she was out with her friends so I would end up picked her up smashed everytime.

* Could never accept arguments to ber her fault or take any criticism, she would just start yelling and crying

* Would talk **** about Religion and God. I respected her opinion but not when was saying her opinion on the bus.

* Could never make good friends so I had to introduce her to all of mine




* She hated me cracking my knuckles

* She hated when I would spit outside

* She hated when I would blow my nose in the sink

* She hated when I'd keep the sit up

* She hated that I had a religion, which I have never forced and even made an agreement never to discuss religion.

* She hated that I wasn't White-White (that I wasn't brought up in Western culture)

* She hated when I would get extremely angry at stupid things when i'm wasted (I did get over the top)

* She hated me for never moving out together. (I am emberassed about it and It IS my fault)

* She hated that I didn't drive (I made too many excuses and always stalled. Trust me, I hate myself for things that I could've worked on)

* She hated that I had 2 rabbits and could never understand why such a guy would Love rabbits.


Oh my! You sound like a gem! I think a man with pets AND religion is a guy that you can at least rely on. And honestly, the fact that you are self-aware is the first step to self-improvement. This is stuff you do for yourself, not for anyone else. Honestly, I can't date someone that is dirty, messy, etc. It's disgusting. I actually broke up with someone because he was too dirty even though I clean his house top-to-bottom TWICE. I couldn't be comfortable over there, just a mess.


Reading these posts makes me realize how much other people put up with. Bravo to you all!

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you can find me on facebook man....don't know how to chat on here... my name is mike dillon. live in durham, nc. don't even care about anyone knowing my info! you can ALL hit me up.


Hey Mike - I actually live in Durham too, over here by Southpoint. I should hit you up just because I want to know who this crazy person is so I can avoid her :-)

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Her taste in music. My word I really couldn't stand her crazy taste in music.......abstract Russian love songs from the 60's and 70's that made me cringe every time I had to endure the torment, classical crap that was so boring I just wanted to smash the stereo with a hammer, love songs that were so depressing I just wanted to slit my wrists there and then on the spot yet she absolutely loved all of it.

Crazy woman with the most bizarre taste in music I've ever heard. Its amazing the things we put up with when we like someone but not any more though.....thank goodness I don't have to listen to that rubbish any more.





is this what you mean.....you mean you cant chicken head to this and appreciate its nothingness......woot woot da da da





chicken heading.........:cool:....deb

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She couldn't spell and it made reading text messages from her annoying.


lmao! My ex was like that too

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My ex


-chewed her fingernails


-liked bad music


-was a care taker


-lived in a crappy house with a bunch of weird roomates


-was a messy eater


-was stubborn


-was a very poor communicator


-got too involved with people at work


-thought everyone was her "family"


-her actual family were few and they were mean


-she did things that she knew would hurt me


-was sometimes a poor kisser


- and there were a few others that bothered me that I shall not mention...

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Things that annoyed me about my ex:


- Low self esteem

- Sloppy, hardly ever cleaned

- Treated her older sister like crap even when her sister was kind enough to let my ex live with her

- Would set her mind to something and then fail a week later

- Too much of an attention whore

- Ruined surprises (I'm partly to blame here, as sometimes I gave in, but most of the time she would make a big splash about a gift she got me and end up telling me what it was even when I said I wanted to be surprised)

- Complained endlessly about her weight but did nothing to fix it most of the time (not going to lie, she was overweight, but it never bothered me. It was her complaints about it and lack of motivation if she was that concerned that pissed me off)

- Too ****ing clingy (again, my fault here. She asked me many times if she was getting clingy but I was too caught up in loving her that I didn't want to offend her by saying yes)

- Gossip - holy **** this woman would gossip about everyone and everything

- Was so aloof around my family, ended up spending many moments in the bedroom away from them

- Refused to take responsibility for her choices

- Dropped out of high school

- Took charge of decorating our apartment and left no say for me

- Spent money like an addicted gambler

- Bitched endlessly about stuff I cooked because it wasn't her family's recipe

- Terrible communicator

- Completely monotone and boring sounding in her vlogs.

- Made rude comments about people all the time

- Judged others but would get mad if you called her out on her bull**** and she would say "Don't judge me."

- Horrrrrrrrrrible music taste

- Stupid duck face pictures

Edited by thishatteredsymphony
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is this what you mean.....you mean you cant chicken head to this and appreciate its nothingness......woot woot da da da





chicken heading.........:cool:....deb

Lol I was too busy resisting every urge in my body that I had to tell her how badly her taste in music sucked and how much I couldn't stand it.......bobbing my head in a chicken headed fashion was completely impossible as I would have probably looked like a constipated chicken who was about to explode at any time.

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You are a special person. Clearly this guy was VERY immature in a lot of ways. You liked him enough to at least try. I could learn from you, I wouldn't have lasted more than 2 weeks.


If someone is willing to continue to grow, I'll stick with them. Unless they are abusive or really toxic or something. If hey have certain qualities that are essential to me in a partner.

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GUYS! I have one that will top all of your dislikes about your ex'es (other than they have cheated).


My ex would flip out when I'd make myself food and would clean up after myself for 2-3 mins while the food would just sit there. She would start screaming at me and saying how stupid I was just for letting my food sit there.


AND! When we'd buy fries and burger, she'd go BALISTIC if I finished burger OR fries first and not ate them at the same time.....


LIKE HOLY ****!? How ****ed up do you have to be? lol. Let me eat the way I want woman, YOU CRAY CRAY!

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GUYS! I have one that will top all of your dislikes about your ex'es (other than they have cheated).


My ex would flip out when I'd make myself food and would clean up after myself for 2-3 mins while the food would just sit there. She would start screaming at me and saying how stupid I was just for letting my food sit there.


AND! When we'd buy fries and burger, she'd go BALISTIC if I finished burger OR fries first and not ate them at the same time.....


LIKE HOLY ****!? How ****ed up do you have to be? lol. Let me eat the way I want woman, YOU CRAY CRAY!


I don't even have words. The other thing I can't figure is she dumped you?

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I don't even have words. The other thing I can't figure is she dumped you?


Yes, she dumped me. Been 5 weeks but i'm fully over it! I am pretty happy now. I realized that our relationship was toxic and I would gain nothing If i got back with her. We are not compatible.


Currently while I go through - Break Up - sections, I can't even read the stories without saying "Who cares, move on, get another!". It feels so good not to care :D


As soon as we broke up I just started doing everything I used to do:





Talking to women

Already met a girl who is complitely oppostive of my ex in EVERY way. She can't wait untill I return so she could steal me into her life.



Edited by JustaRegularGuyZ
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Oh my! You sound like a gem! I think a man with pets AND religion is a guy that you can at least rely on. And honestly, the fact that you are self-aware is the first step to self-improvement. This is stuff you do for yourself, not for anyone else. Honestly, I can't date someone that is dirty, messy, etc. It's disgusting. I actually broke up with someone because he was too dirty even though I clean his house top-to-bottom TWICE. I couldn't be comfortable over there, just a mess.


Reading these posts makes me realize how much other people put up with. Bravo to you all!


OMFG! You have no idea. Her mess would drive me INSANE! At first it was fine, I thought to myself "whatever, we can work it out" but it never changed! I tried discussing the issue with her but she would explode at me and say stupid **** like "Well if you hate how messy I am then get out! I'll find somebody who'd love me for my mess!". I even helped her clean her room top to bottom twice a year. I would take her BED out of the room and polish the floor.

At least have the decency to clean up a little it before I come over!

WHY THE **** DID I PUT UP WITH THAT ****?! I am so stupid.

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