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Friend/ex, what is going on?!

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I was with my ex for about 2 years. He broke up with me and studied abroad in Spain for a year. When he got back we instantly started talking again. We have crazy chemistry and still do. We got back together for about a year. I told him I loved him and he couldn't say it back. A week later he broke up with me. His reasoning was the feeling wasn't mutual but I just find all of that hard to believe.


For a couple weeks I was sad but we started texting again and agreed that we want to be friends and I wanted to get past everything. We were good friends before dating; so why not?! We got dinner and hung out like old times. It was great! It felt so normal in a non-romantic way.


Later down the line we started hooking up. We are drawn to each other and I don't know what that is. So we are friends with benefits I guess? But it is so much more than that! He is a really good guy. We care about each other a lot and want to be in each others lives but I cannot be with him. I cannot go back to that relationship for a third time. I have dated around a little bit and I am completely honest with him out of respect for our friendship. He isn't seeing other girls at all and he sometimes gets weirdly jealous when he knows I am talking to our mutual guy friends. I truly do not want to lose him as a friend. I wonder sometimes if maybe in the far future we will get back together but for now JUST friends.


So what is going on?! What are we? Is this friendship doomed?

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