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When my girlfriend walks away. A test?


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My girlfriend sometimes walks away from me when she gets moody or doesn't get her way. I have in the past chased after her a few times to try to make her feel better. I know that this must be a test to see how much I care, but I'm now longer chasing after her when she's like this. I don't want it to be a reoccuring event that she feels she can just leave. I rather have her see that we should talk about whatever she feels uncomfortable about, instead of her taking off. Am I right with why she's leaving and should I not follow her?

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i think shes just trying to get her way and is begging for attaention..i admit i used to do that with my recent boyfriend and he got sick of it and admitted it bugged him i didnt even relize i was doing it until he pointed it out..i was always thought to do it...and i think you should talk to her and tell her you care but theres no point in chasing after her if shes gonna make it a habbit...cuz u may be her boyfriend but ur not some lost puppy that only fallows her around.

My girlfriend sometimes walks away from me when she gets moody or doesn't get her way. I have in the past chased after her a few times to try to make her feel better. I know that this must be a test to see how much I care, but I'm now longer chasing after her when she's like this. I don't want it to be a reoccuring event that she feels she can just leave. I rather have her see that we should talk about whatever she feels uncomfortable about, instead of her taking off. Am I right with why she's leaving and should I not follow her?
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You are absolutely, 100 percent correct in not going after her.


These moods are an abvious attempt at either control of the relationship or to get attention or both. You need to share control, not give it up to her.


What she is doing is very childish, something she probably learned early on in life. Discuss it with her. If she resists changing, suggest very nicely that it isn't really normal and she may need to discuss this behavior with a counsellor.


In a good, positive relationship, couples share, talk things out by using conflict resolution techniques that work well. Now if this happens very often, you gotta be with the wrong gal. Why would you want to be with someone who gets moody so much or always has to have her own way? These are not the characteristics of a lady most men want to be around. YUK!!!

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the way she behaves is pretty childish. i used to behave like that when i was 5 and mum wouldn't let me have a mars bar when i wanted it. now i know why she didn't run after me to make me feel better - because i was being irrational and trying to manipulate her into giving me my own way by having a tantrum.


i sincerely doubt this is a test to see how much you care. she's most likely trying to manipulate you by behaving like this. you are doing the right thing by just letting her walk. if you don't follow her, she will soon get the message that you never will follow her when she storms off, and in turn, she will realise that she has to face things in a more mature manner.


next time she walks away, tell her you'd like to discuss this with her, and not have her run away from it. she really is behaving childish. someone has to be the mature one here for now, and it's obviously you.

My girlfriend sometimes walks away from me when she gets moody or doesn't get her way. I have in the past chased after her a few times to try to make her feel better. I know that this must be a test to see how much I care, but I'm now longer chasing after her when she's like this. I don't want it to be a reoccuring event that she feels she can just leave. I rather have her see that we should talk about whatever she feels uncomfortable about, instead of her taking off. Am I right with why she's leaving and should I not follow her?
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