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Halloween party


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So I want to have a halloween 'party' with some friends from college (high school), since now I finally have some :p


We're aged 18/17


It is either going to be a massive party with friends of friends and booze in a hall somewhere and everyone can just get on with it. But it is more likely to be quiet get together at my house with a handful of people.


In theory it sounds great. But I haven't had more than two friends over to my house since I was about 10. I generally don't like people coming to my house if I don't know them really really well.


So I don't what to do. I want fancy dress, music, drinking games and maybe pizza. But the less people the more awkward it can be and on average I'm guessing there'll be about 6 including me.


Any tips/ideas/suggestions to stop it been crap?

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