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LS thank you post.

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I agree I thought more people would be more grateful...hahaha it's probably not that they aren't grateful but maybe they just don't feel the need to express it?


Kind of ironic since I just posted in the rant/confessions section about feeling under appreciated in my life with some friends/family...and some others from another site.


People DO need to say thanks. When one goes out of the way to help someone else, showing abit of gratitude goes a long way, even as small as it could be, it might just make somebody's day!


This place has allowed me to open up, speak freely, help others and allow others to help me! Some days just reading posts and understanding where someone elses head is at, helps me because I know I'm not alone in this crazy life.


So thanks LS...It's like, "IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME..." Well, we've all come here...For various reasons, but we are all here.


Thanks again to every single person on here from me!



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I too am pretty new here... but I'm so thankful I found a place like this! You all are great and I am glad that I can turn to you when I have a problem with my life, and help you out when you have a problem with yours! :D Thanks everyone!!! You all rock my world ;)

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