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Can second chances be successful?

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I'm just curious:


Does anyone have an experience or know someone who gave his/her ex a second (or third, or forth...) chance and they ended up being happy without breaking up again?


The more posts I read here and other forums, the more I see that people still aren't happy after they get back together.


Is it true? Can we still hope for the HAPPY END after one or more break ups?


please, give me your opinions



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I'm back with my ex-husband. We've been dating since July and it's been rough. Same issues different year type of thing, but even though we've called it off again several times, we keep getting back together. Right now we're taking it major slow, but we love each other and want it to work out.


I can't tell you what's going to happen down the road. All I'm trying to do at this point is enjoy his company, accept him for who is is & not try to change him, and learn to become his friend.


Even if we don't work out this time around, both of us have already admitted that we would always care, we would always think of each other while with others, and that we will probably fall back into bed with each other at some time or another throughout the years. There must be something between us, right?

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2nd chances can work if both parties realize the problems from the first time and make an effort to make sure they are corrected/don't happen again. Both parties also need to see the problems that they themselves have and work on those to become better partners.


Also, there needs to be open communication and both people need to have foprgiven the other for whatever mistakes may have happened in the past.


I think too many people get back together without ever changing anything and they just fall back into the same pattern and logically they break up again because the problems are still there.

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Originally posted by an'ka

I'm just curious:


Is it true? Can we still hope for the HAPPY END after one or more break ups?




Yes, I have seen couples break up and get back together 25 times over a number of years and then when their major issues are resolved that led to those break ups the sometimes do live happily ever after.


I know a couple that broke their engaement about 4 times over 2 yrs and they have been married for 10 yrs and have 2 kids.



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I know a couple that broke their engaement about 4 times over 2 yrs and they have been married for 10 yrs and have 2 kids.




That's making ME feel better, lol. Maybe there's hope for my own deal. Maybe.



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It's nice to hear that it does work. And, the fact that both parties need to resolve issues before it could ever really work makes sense. However, my boyfriend just broke up with me and swore it had nothing to do with me, everything I did was fantastic, etc. He claims that after 15 months, he realized that he loved me, but wasn't 'in love' with me. But, he wants to remain friends, and still calls me a lot. Any clue on whether it could work out based on this scenario?

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yes because it sounds like he fell out of lust with you rather than love. Stop all contact with him and I am sure he will try to win you back - but probably leave again.

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