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Flirting...Should I stop or keeping going????

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I've been liking this boy B. He's so sweet and fun to talk 2. I had been flirting with him for a while until my friend told him that i really liked him which i really didn't want him to know. Afterwards, he started acting shy and would hardly speak from being so shy. I was too afterwards but i still spoke when i saw him at school. N E how, after every basketball game, i text him and tell him good game or nice 3 pointers and he'd call and say thank you and we'll talk just for a minute or 2 and that would be it. Those minutes made a difference to me.


He has a girlfriend, W. She's a popular girl, nice and respectful but she acts like a drawback type from giving him affection and those kind of things that guys usually like. All they do is sit together, go to movies, and stuff like that. But when he's talking to me, he's all rowdy and stuff...and we have fun. But with her he like quiets down and don't show his real personality as much.


We had a student council meeting during lunch and his gf is in it also. After the meeting she catches me as i was leaving and says hey can i talk to you for a minute. I'm like fa sho. She was like you like B. I said....well....yeah. She smiled and said awwww....she said you know he got a gf right? I was like...uh yeah. And she said oh and you have been textin him right. I said yeah and i apoligize for coming in between yall like dat....no harm. She said aw thanks cuz you know if you were n e other female they'd be tryna get krunck but i know u not like dat. I was like yeah, my bad, sorry. She said okay. We talked a lil bit more about other stuff and that was it.


After that, i was kinda shocked but my mind grew clearer. I shouldn't have texted him at all. My feelings started to change and somehow i really didn't like him as much as i did. When the bell rang to go to class after lunch, i always pass him coming down the hall...i'm thinking she told him about us talking and he was walking fast as ever, i still spoke and he spoke back but i could tell he was surprised. He prolly was saying dang W told her to quit messing and she still spoke to me.


I stopped texting him but i usually would text him good luck the night before the game and good game after. He must've been waiting for me to text him good luck but i didn't because Friday when i woke up i looked on my cell and had a missed call and his number would show up as (Withdrew) meaning private but i was like naw that couldn't be him maybe somebody else.


I got to school and when we passed in the hall he was walking fast and i couldn't catch him to speak. My teacher sent me to his class though, later, to get another student so we could debate and when i walked in he was standing at the desk and so was my twin brother. The teacher was telling me that my brother was being terrible but she was joking. I asked for the student and a couple guys spoke and i walked out.


When i was sitting on the bus to go to the game since i am a cheerleader for high school, i got a call and it said Withdrew and i was like i wonder who this is. I answered and i said hello twice, and he said, y aint you speak to me today. I was like becuase you were walking so fast like you didnt want me to. He was like sorry. And your gf confronted me so.....he was like oh. We talked a minute and he was like alright i'll let you go....i said okay see you tonight. When i hung up i was puzzled...and now i ask you



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I think you should back off of the flirting. He has a g/f. If he doesn't want to be with her and breaks up with her, then maybe you all can have a chance. Put yourself in his g/f's shoes. How would you like it if you had a boyfriend and found out another girl had been flirting with him? Just something to think about.

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Go ahead flirt all you want your ONLY in highschool, your soo young. Your going to laugh about it later on. and cry about it when KARMA bites your butt. =) and get mad at this post because I was right =P

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