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So why are you single?

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I am single because I've yet to meet or find someone who is really interested in me and yet to give me a chance, otherwise i don't know.

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Simply because the women I'm interested in wasn't interested or already has a BF.


Have yet to get a GF. No need to even think about marriage right now.

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I have moved cities A LOT, and while with my ex I was a major homebody. Those habits are hard to break.


So I have no friends at all where I am- I mean not a single friend. And I am really intimidated at the idea of trying to make friends.


I have a few old friends from the city I grew up in, but have very little contact with them.


I think I am single/will be for a long time, because I never meet new people.


I do have this idea in my head that I need to be 'better' somehow before putting myself out there. :/

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Because women are horrible and evil and hurtful. LOL! Just kidding. I'm only slightly still disgruntled by my divorce. The serious answer is I don't know what I want yet.

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I'm mostly the victim of the whole I like her, she doesn't like me, the one that likes me, I don't like her. So I'm stuck in the cycle of endless dating. :laugh:

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You say you are attractive or your friends say you are


You or your friends say you are fun to be with, funny smart etc


you like to work hard and play hard etc


you've tried OLD


you say you are looking for a relationship yet.... you are still single?


yes men and women both play games, lie, cheat, flake etc.


Why do you remain single? Why haven't you found someone ?


I was born at the wrong time, into the wrong species, on the wrong planet.


Just rotten luck.

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It's a mix of reasons.


First of all, being single is FUN! Like someone mentioned earlier, there are all theses people making you offers you can't refuse. So it would take a pretty special guy to make me give all that up.


Also... I don't believe in settling. I won't. If I don't feel very strongly about someone then it's just not going to work long term. And obviously I want the guy to feel kust as strongly for me.


I don't need to have a BF to feel validated though. The only thing I actually want is to eventually have kids, but I can do that on my own in a few years, if need be...

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When I was single for a long time it was 3 big reasons:


1) didn't try hard enough. Didn't go to the gym, didn't dress well, didn't go out often, hung out with friends who were either ugly, introverted or married (no hope of meeting decent women around people like that).


2) crappy job in a crappy town. Always broke, stressed out, and the single's scene was full of people who were either unattractive or no fun to be around.


3) past experiences got to me. Had a lot of bad experiences with women when I was a teen/young adult and that really drug me down and made me doubt myself.


To fix this I:


1) Moved to a whole other town. It was a huge risk and scared the hell out of me, I had next to no money and did everything on credit while looking for work. But it was the right decision.


2) Went to the gym and spent a lot on clothes and colognes. I was a really skinny guy and did everything and I mean EVERYTHING to gain weight and get to at least what is normal size for a guy these days. Was definitely worth it but was over a year of pain and I still have to maintain a diet and workout routine that is pretty harsh otherwise I lose weight fast.


3) The hardest thing is getting past that doubt, reminding yourself that you're not a geeky 17 year old guy trying to ask a girl out sort of thing. But what happened for me is that the more the Job + Workout thing moved along the nicer women were towards me. If you look good, have something to offer they will be nice to you because you have something that they want. It's just how people are and it is always better to be the person who has power rather than the powerless one who is begging for a chance.

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Am single simply because I am not good looking.


I'm naturally butt ugly in every conceivable way and I changed it. Just a question of how much you want it.

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My lifetime x axis and y axis are reversed. In my youth, my milkshake brought lots of boys to the yard and I was less picky. In middle age, my milkshake is not quite a frothy and I am a lot more picky.


Damn trick, that.

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Because I spent the last 5+years with an liar who I was addicted too. I'm currently picking up the pieces and have no interest in involving another female in my drama at the moment. When the day comes I will find what I'm looking for, as will the rest of you.

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Well, I'm physically unattractive to women and I've been single for 22 years. So I guess that's that.

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1) I haven't met anyone I care too much about

2) Classes will be starting 2 weeks from now and I have a busy schedule

3) I don't go out too much and have very few friends

4) I'm tired of double digits men thinking they deserve moral compasses women

5) I'm looking for someone similar to me but can't find him

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Don't get out much. Work , to home, sleep , repeat. Work with older people. When I do go out , there are easier looking girls all around me.


Could settle for the typical a-hole womanizer but that's not what I want in my life.

Edited by emva07
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I haven't found anyone because I'm not looking. After having my wife just walk out 7 months ago, I am certainly in no rush to recreate this exact same scenario once again.


And I honestly don't care if I ever meet anyone again, because statistically the next relationship will end just like the last one did. And that's a fact!


I know more now than I did then, and if anyone is going to use and discard me, it's going to be no one else but myself!:laugh:


Roll like a one man wolf pack. Care about nobody but yourself. Do what makes you happy. This is the solution to happiness in life. It is not found in some needy partner that you invest time and money in, only to get a lousy return.


I now invest my time and money into myself. To do anything else would just recreate a scenario that had already failed once.

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Why haven't you found someone ?


I thought I did. She dumped me while I was out of the country.

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I don't have the personality to have a gf..or even a hook up. I can't hold a convo with a girl for more than 2 minutes without her getting bored of me. I'm introverted and girls my age like to go out and socialize. Overall I'm just not the type of person people call to hang out with.


I'll probably grow old with out ever having a gf..but this realization doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Besides, I'd rather be alone than to be with someone that has lost interest in me and would probably only be with me because of kids...that's how most of my friends relationships/marriages are. I also don't want kids..like ever. And I know most women(and guys too) eventually want kids/family.


It's a biological need which means It'll always be there in the back of my mind..and it's an urge that'll have to stay repressed for the rest of my life.

I'll just try to make the best of my situation and be happy.

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Because I spent 3+ years in a relationship/dealing with a "man" who ended up leaving me emotionally drained. Plus, you know; dealing with all that other life stuff that has nothing to do with romance.


Now the thought of being so bogged down with ONE guy again is mildly terrifying.




now I just want to have fun & eventually find a guy so compatible with me that being exclusive with him would be a joyous thing to me, rather than a tiresome burden :cool:

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because nobody wants me. i am always the rebound chick, the chick who is around until they get the one they really want, the fallback chick, or the sidepiece. i don't know what i am doing wrong. i give up. :(

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I'm single because I cannot tolerate the ambiguity in the process of getting to know someone in the dating phase - the bridge between the first date and making things 'official'. My emotions go really wild as I start to develop feelings for someone and there remains a whole lot of uncertainty. I typically find a way to self-sabotage and ruin my own chances.

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