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So why are you single?

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I am single because like others here, I won't heavily invest my time into somebody if the sparks don't fly. I don't mind casual dating/hookups now but manwhoring isn't my forte. I feel like if I get myself into another relationship it has to be for long term, Marriage/kids. I honestly don't want to be playing the field in my 30s. And finding a girl without kids 25+ is near impossible


I find myself being a rebound guy more often than not. Being there to bridge the gap in somebody's life for their time being.


I don't get out much at 25. I work 7-4 m-f and hit the gym everyday afterwords. All my new friends are in LTR or married/kids. I'm currently living my life for me again


I dropped my entire social circle after my breakup 3 months ago, starting over is hard.


Never really been into the party/social scene because addictions runs strong in my family.

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Many reasons;


1) I'm sick of relationships, and I think I will be for a while.


2) I like being in love, but right now it is the last thing I want.


3) My ideal man lives in dreamland.

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Because I'm late 50's and there are certain things I want to get done before I'm 60 or older. For one, I have a lot of hobbies and having been devoted to my ex-bf for 5 years I wasn't able to do them as much as I wanted. (Taking care of him, massage, cleaning, etc etc.)


Genealogy, writing, computer graphics, photography, gardening, decorating, socializing, walking, travel, and some part-time work... to name just a FEW.


It would take someone special (and close by) to bring me out of singledom.


I'm overweight ("fluffy" apparently), and not the ideal shape that most men my age are looking for as well as being older than men my age are looking for.


Most of the men I meet are either looking past me, or are boring intellectually or spiritually. Or they are married or taken, and I won't go there. Or they just want sex and I can't give sex without my heart.


I'm working on my spiritual development and it's easier to do that outside of a relationship.


AND I am studying paganism and druidry and that limits my choices due to lack of acceptance. On OLD in this area most men list themselves as Christian or Baptist. The men that aren't are associated with the college and THEY want a more educated/independent/higher income woman. So I don't appeal to them.


A man that wants a poet/designer/country woman is the man for me. He simply hasn't shown up yet and I don't have the time for anyone else.


You might ask, why am I here then. I don't know anymore. In the beginning I was trying to knock the kinks out of my relationship with ex-bf. In the end, I think it's because if "he" ever shows up, I do want to understand better what I'm doing and what he expects and how to know if we're a good fit.



Why don't you try and contact a prophet? You might be having some spiritual issues and need to be sorted out. Most often times what happened in physical has already been controlled in the spiritual. You can get to me if you need a powerful prophet who will be able to ascertain what should be done.

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Does having a friend with benefits count as single? I really enjoy my freedom, not having to answer to anyone or nagging me to do this that and the other. Moreover, when attractive woman lurk in the background and make offers I can't refuse, I don't see what the upside is to being with one person day in day out in a relationship that eventually will run its course. Being single,having a great love life, active socially, and having a strong family and friend support network is the best thing you can ask for in my book


Sounds good to me. That's all im lookin for now. widowed almost a year (cant believe its been that long) Hubby and i were very into each other physically, on a daily basis. I need that connection, but dont need anything to further complicate my life right now.

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My husband died and I was left raising a 1,2 and 6 year old on my own. Didn't have any family members around. Survival and make sure my kids were well rounded took over my life. They all did very well in sports so even less free time for me. I also didn't want to bring men in and out of their lives (I have 3 girls). Now I have the time to be with a man but don't want the relationship part of it yet. Just want to kick back and have some fun. But meeting men - jot all that easy and not going the OLD route. So still single.

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Honestly I have trouble with single women. It's like I'm two different people when I trying to talk to a single women and when I'm the OM.


When I'm the OM I am cool, calm, confident, and not showing weakness

When I'm talking to a single woman it's the opposite.


I still have figured out how to get the OM person when I'm dealing with single women.

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To answer the question on topic. For starters I do not have 3 kids by 3 different women. I stay employed. I do not do drugs. I have a drivers license. I have a car. I am not a drug dealer/addict. I am not on welfare. I am not a jailbird. That is just a few of my traits for me being single.

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maiden of rohan

Been single since my last relationship four years ago. I'm still single because I feel no need/desire to get into a relationship.


Or to put it simply, I just haven't met a person I'm willing to devote my time, effort and heart to. It's not a big deal to me, or something I feel pressure inside of myself to change. I always suppose when I'm ready to date, I will eventually.

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Where do I start? :/


Where i live the ratio of women to men is 10:1. So most of the men I come across are married or in otherwise committed relationships.


That being said, most of the guys who have contacted me via online dating *are* married men. And dating someone else's husband/boyfriend/fiance is a line I will not cross.


The single men I do meet either have very short attention spans or find me a complete bore as I never seem to be able to get asked for a second date or third date.


My interests are in the minority: most people here like mainstream sports, beer, parties and are obsessed with status and "getting ahead"


My interests are politics, labor history, and literature.


I'm very introverted and spend most of my time alone -- whether I'm at home or out and about. I just prefer it that way.


I've been told I come off as unapproachable. But that's probably because I'm not comfortable with being approached.


Finally, I've just been hurt one time too many. I am tired of the false starts where everything seems great in the beginning and there's the excitement of getting to know the other person.


Only to have (more often than not) the guy's interest wane; at which point the text messages, emails, etc dwindle (no matter how much I try to gently resuscitate them) until I never hear from him again.


The whole pace of it winds up making me feel even lonelier than if I had just stayed single.

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Why don't you try and contact a prophet? You might be having some spiritual issues and need to be sorted out. Most often times what happened in physical has already been controlled in the spiritual. You can get to me if you need a powerful prophet who will be able to ascertain what should be done.


Thanks but I've already had both a consult with a psychic friend and a couple of tarot readings. I'm in 3 meetup groups that do a lot of activities, but I find myself too busy to participate yet. Plus I do know what my intuition tells me I need to do. Before everything else, the new lifestyle has to get sorted. :-)


When spring comes, perhaps I'll be ready. If I'm not too busy gardening. ;-p

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Because every woman on planet earth seems to have made it her mission to reject me based on the most ridiculous details in existence.


Despite the fact that I AM looking for something serious (and have been doing so for the past year and a half), I keep running into women who are only looking for fun, just got out of a relationship or are not interested in a relationship at all.

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