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Do I have a crush on this girl?

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there is this tutor I work with in the tutoring lab in college. She's great and a wonderful person to be around with. My class ended a few months ago but I saw her around campus recently and I like to chat with her if I can though I am really nervous and can't really talk well. . I can not go up and talk to anyone for just conversational purposes unless they talk to me first. That is how I made friends. This is honestly annoying the crap out of me



I just had a dream of her showing up at my house to give me something. I then invited her inside and we chatted about things and then I showed her around and things I do and stuff I did. Then in the end when she left I though "I can send her a friend request now" I remember being sad that it was only a dream. I wonder what this dream means. I guess it means I like her and want to be her friend. I don't want to do anything romantically because she is older (28 and I am 22) and engaged. I mean that, hell I didn't even do anything sexual in the dream. Still I think I think I might have a crush on her, as I am now thinking about her almost non stop and in school I always am hoping to run into her or even just get a glimpse of her sometimes even devoting some time to do so



do I have a crush on this girl? How do I stop feeling this way

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do I have a crush on this girl? How do I stop feeling this way


You stop feeling that way by dating and having sex with her. Then you will find relief.

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