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is he gay?

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i met this guy at a party. he was shy and i was shy, not really talking to other ppl and stuff, but we really hit it off, but he goes to a college that's 30 min or so away. so we started talking over email, and i found out he's really philosophical, we started talking about everything from our favorite bands and authors to family.


the emails got longer and longer everytime we write...from a paragraph to now two pages or so. he wants to meet up again to get coffee, but from our emails he says things about thinking how certain band singers (guys) are hot, and just little things here and there that make me wonder if he's gay (little phrases he uses, that mostly grandmothers would say...like old-fashioned stuff?)


i don't know why he's pursuing me more, if it's just friendly.. if i should just take these 'gay' signals and just accept he might be looking for a friend, or is this just what guys do? i have no experience in this whatsoever, haven't had a boyfriend really before... (i'm in college. yeah, this is pretty sad i guess, but i'm pretty much absorbed in my studies and nothing else)... anyway if you could let me know what you think i'd appreciate it- thanks...!

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i don't want to be too direct and freak him out or offend him. atleast i'd like to keep him as friends and don't want to spoil anything before i become close to him... or something...


does anyone have any experience w/ a gay friend? or have gay guy friends? do gay guys usually put this much effort into getting a girl friend?

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Relax, you don't know that he's gay.


I insist that you ask him. You could do it in a manner that's not offensive if he's straight--for example (after intimate 'philosophical' discussion) :

"You seem too good to be true, are you gay?"

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Relax, you don't know that he's gay.


I insist that you ask him. You could do it in a manner that's not offensive if he's straight--for example (after intimate 'philosophical' discussion) :

"You seem too good to be true, are you gay?"





you ever thought the dude may be gay but does not know it yet???

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Or perhaps he hasn't been bitten by a radioactive gay spider?


I stand by my advice, ask him.

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