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Give Up or Hold On?


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It all started about 4 years ago when i was in 8th grade and i met this girl and i didnt know it yet, but she was goin to be my best friend, the person i love and the person who may possibly be destrying my life...


In the beginning of our friendship she didnt really like me as a friend...i started to like her in between 9th and 10th grade (by the way i am 16 and in 11th grade) and she didnt really want anything to do with me but over the summer goin into 11th grade we got really close...we spent everyday together and it was a friendship were we can just sit around and play videogames or talk...and she kinda know that i like her but she has a b/f who is a dick and abuses her, hes also im my grade, but he told her that he liked another girl and they were kinda on a break but not offically broken up... so i saw this as my chance and i spent every moment i could with her and we did everything together, ppl would come up to me and be like are u 2 goin out and i would be like "no" and they are like "u guys look so cute together though" and then one day during the week that i was spending about 12 hours a day with her we go back to her house and we are watching a movie and its just me and her and i make the worst move of my life and lean in and as she leans in i kiss her on the CHEEK...i felt so stupid...


So then her and her boyfriend clear things up and they get back together..then one nite we get kinda drunk and we are walking around and i am with her and a bunch of friends and we go to the bathroom and so i wait outside and she is like can i lay on u and im like sure and she lays on me and she leans her forhead up against mine and like the idiot i am i dont do anything...another miss oppurtunity


And now the summer is over and i descide maybe if i ignore her and go for like the freshman shell get jealous well one thing leads to another and she starts to like it but i didnt realize she liked me till after the fact that she had liked me...


Now its about a week ago and her and her boyfriend had broken up and ive waited about a month and i tell her i like her...i tell her that the onli thing i care about is her and being with her... and she tells me she doesnt know how she feels and now i feel like shes slipping away from me and she might be getting with some other guy


Well i dont know if i should grab on to her and try to get her to like me again or to let her go and move on and risk the friendship being destroy (which rite now is a risk i am willing to take)?

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If you want more than a friendship with her approach her on the issue and tell her how you feel and how you've felt all along.

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she is playing with u . she just isn't that into u. if she was she would be there right there and now. and read the book she is not that into u is it good for the other sex too.

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