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bad boy? or oversensitive vixen?

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i really fell for this man who charmed me, and wined and dined me during a film shoot we were both working on. We got along great as a work team and later as friends. After the film wrapped we both went home and continued to call each other(we live in separate cities). A few weeks later he came to visit me. We had a great time...wonderful fun, sex, etc. and, after he left he called to say he really enjoyed visiting me which was really sweet. The problem is that i didn't hear from him for almost two weeks. i finally called him -he answered,told me he was busy with work and didn't have time to talk to me and wouldn't for awhile. He wasn't 'cold' or anything like that but, it was clear he didn't want to talk and i felt he was blowing me off. So, tonight, i sent an email telling him his behavior was not nice and i didn't want to see him anymore. Do you think i overreacted? It's hard for me to tell because i was in another relationship over a year ago where the guy broke my heart and i'm really sensitive to any kind of rejection. Incidentally, this current guy knows this about me. The other thing that bothered me during his visit, is that he never really kissed me. He kept saying stuff like he thought his breath was bad or something...i thought that was weird-like he was avoiding being intimate.

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I think in your gut you know you did the right thing here. It sounds like you two had a good time, and it was casual - but it doesn't sound as if Mr. Casual intended it to go further than that. I don't think you overreacted at all - in fact, it sounds like you took the lessons that you learned in your last relationship and applied them wisely in this case to protect yourself from further hurt.

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