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Looks Like Another X-mas Will Bo Buy W/o A Gf...


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o well....at least i won't have to buy her a present...lol....if i can have anything for x-mas it prolly would be my first date...and also dates for everyone else who are single...

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Originally posted by Lava

Know the feeling but there’s not much you can do about it other than put yourself out there and hope to meet a nice girl.


How old are you ice_solid_2k4?



i am 18...yes...i know that i am young....and she will eventually come...i've heard it all lol...i just want a date ...just to experience it...dat is all lol

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Originally posted by ice_solid_2k4

i am 18...yes...i know that i am young....and she will eventually come...i've heard it all lol...i just want a date ...just to experience it...dat is all lol


I'm only 19 and like you, want to have that experience of going on a date but it seems like its never going happen. Hope I am proved wrong some day.

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Originally posted by Lava

I'm only 19 and like you, want to have that experience of going on a date but it seems like its never going happen. Hope I am proved wrong some day.


i don't want to sound very sexist or ignorant...but shouldn't it easier for women to find dates...usually the guy asks the girl out...i don't ask a girl out because i'm shy when it comes to asking a girl out and i'm afraid of rejection...i've never asked a girl out...that is the reason why i've never gone on a date...never had a gf...etc....but yeah...either way we are stuck in a crappy situation....oh well...nothing you can really do about it....

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There is something you can do about it. Just worrying about it all the time isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to keep yourself busy and build up your self-confidence. Go down the Gym or something. Go out with your mates somewhere and enjoy yourself.


This time of year might be a good time to meet a potential gf. Loads of people out enjoying themselves. Go join them! If you enjoying and yourself and seem open, you never know you might get approached by a nice girl. I did. But unfortunately I was stupid and didn’t try to keep the conversation going and she walked off. Oh well, maybe next time, eh.

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This may not be much consolation, but this will be my first Christmas in a loooong time with out a significant other and I'm actually looking forward to it. Sooo much less stressful and I can just focus on enjoying the company of my family without trying to be with 2 large families at once. Also it was a very demanding and selfish g/f who wanted it all to revolve around her and didn't understand the importance of me spending time with my own family. I'll stop before I go off on a rant here

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