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More Than Friends?


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Just a warning, I will ramble on a bit, so stay with me. Sorry! ;)


So I have been friends with this man (who is quite a bit older than myself and is also a good family friend) for over 14 years and I have noticed some changes in his behaviour of late which has me wondering whether he may be interested in me as more than a friend.

We have so much in common that it's almost scary and we have always been very open with each other. We even finish each other's sentences. :)


Anyway, another friend of the both of us was actually the first to say something about noticing this man blushing and being shy around me a few months ago. This man is usually very confident and sure of himself and I had not ever thought him to be the blushing type.


When we greet each other, we have always given each other a firm, normal handshake, but I have noticed our handshakes have changed in the past few months. He started by tilting our hands so that his is on top slightly and mine underneath and over time, his hand has been getting more and more on top. Now, our handshakes consist of him flipping my hand underneath and holding it gently, but firmly (no shake) leaving me quite confused and wondering whether to shake or not!


One of the main things I have noticed is the eye contact. He never used to look at me the way he has been of late. He stares and stares very frequently, sometimes smiling, other times, looking away. Whenever he thinks I am not looking, he will stare. He notices absolutely EVERYTHING I do or say, even when he is talking to someone else or pretending to ignore me, and he forgets nothing. Another friend has commented on that when this man looks at me, it is as if everyone and everything else disappears.


Apart from our handshakes, he has never touched me until a few months ago. Since then, he has touched me several times on the hand, arm, shoulder, back, leg, foot, and has recently started touching my face. He, especially early on, would make out as if he were just being playful.


He has always addressed me by my full name until a few months ago and now he always calls me by my pet name. The tone in which he says it is different somehow too.


We tease each other like crazy, but if someone teases me or has a go at me about something, he defends me, sometimes making it awkward (even though it's a bit cute).


I have noticed he gets quite jealous when I talk to other guys and my friends have picked up on this also. He always stares and tries to get my attention even if he were not talking to me originally.


The other day, we were mucking around and he held my hands so I could not let go whilst holding me fairly close to him. He laughed at my attempts to escape and then his expression changed and he just stared at me with that "look" in his eyes. It took quite a while before he released me. The weird thing is, the very next day, he tried pretending not to notice me. He even pointed out to me later that he had not noticed me all day (which made me laugh inwardly as he so obviously had).


I have not approached him about any of this as I have not wanted to affect our great friendship in case I am wrong.


What do people think is going on here? And how to approach this? Please no silly replies. :)

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