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Saying " Love Ya" amongst friends of the Opposite sex...???

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I've often wondered this...



I have a GF. I'm 28.


I have a few musician friends who are women, girls I know

thru the local music Scene here in Seattle. Just as friends, we email each

other from time to time for shows, or just to say :"Hi", etc. Because we

always see each other or play with each other's bands or fill-in for each other

if someone needs a drummer or guitarist etc.


I notice that there are some girls who seem kinda sweet on me & will sometimes end Emails with

"Love, Jenny"...or "Haven't seen ya around...I Miss you, Love Ya, Susan"...


I'm just curious what girls mean by this kinda stuff. Is it all playful? Because most of these

girls do know that I have a Girlfriend and I don't cheat and They're not really 'loose' girls.

Is it just flirting? or do they have crushes?


I'm just trying to understand...........Thanks

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well..love ya, is more casual....just a term of endearment, maybe not true love.


and being that they are chics, maybe some mean it in more than one way....but i am sure some of the girls say it cause you are their friend and they do love you in a friendly way.

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Sounds like she's treating you like one of the gal's so don't read into it. If you aren't too sure if her love ya and the I miss you means, then just don't react to it...Cuz if it is more and you say it back, then she may think or hope there is 'something' between you.


Just go on as things are and just let her be the way she is. Us gals seem to just say stuff without thinking and that doesn't mean it is a 'come on'.


Hope this helps!!

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If she writes " Love Ya " then friendship is kind of like love....a deep admiration and respect for another...so if these friends write " Love Ya " Its meant as a term of endearment and they admire you as a friend......They know you have a gf :)

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I hope this doesn't rattle your cage too much, but, I know girls (myself included) who will use the phrase, "Love Ya," in emails, letters, cards, whatever, to guys that they are interested in. The problem with trying to analyze it is that they purposely use it to be innocuous...That way they don't look like fools, in case they get called on it...

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There are several girls that I work with that use the word "love" in a nonchilant way. I'm not big on saying it back, well, because it just kinda feels weird. Usually I just say, I know you do...lol

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