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What should i do when she says she still likes you but wants to be friends?


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This started about a month ago and here is the situitation.

One of my best friends and a girl were going out for about 4 months and he lied to her and she broke up with him( long story short she has trust issues b/c her dad cheated on her mom) so about a month after they broke up me and some friends go to her house to hang out and watch some football and the whole night I noticed that she was flirting with me and a week later i find out she likes me and i that i like her. so we hang out for about a month and a half and i decide to ask her out she says that she is really busy with basketball and she is swamped with homework every night and she is trying to find a job to fit into all of this so she says that she thinks that she can't handle a boyfriend right now but she did say that she still likes me more than a friend but she just wants to be friends now . she says that she could find her self with me in the future

After we had that talk she is acting like friends now and i still want to be more than that with her and i need to know what to do with this because i cant get my mind off her and i need some advice

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Believe her when she tells you she is not ready for a relationship or dating......


Believe her whens she tells you she just wants to be your friend.


Believe her when she says she has trust issues.


You can wait but why would you ?


Get on with your life....

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Originally posted by lovesickatbest

she is really busy with basketball and she is swamped with homework every night and she is trying to find a job to fit into all of this so she says that she thinks that she can't handle a boyfriend right now but she did say that she still likes me more than a friend but she just wants to be friends now . she says that she could find her self with me in the future





PLease re-read the above and look at it objectively. What she said to you in a round-about and indirect way was:


"Sorry, I like you as a friend only and there is no chance of any romance between us ever"


This is how women communicate, by beating around the bush. If a woman is really into you she will make time to be with you no matter what.

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