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would like everyones opinion


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I have noticed in the last five years that some men (not all) have taken a dramatic turn , so many are out of work , or have no motivation to improve themselves, they don't drive or have lost their license ,they are in their thirties and live at home still, they seem to be are very lazy. My father still works two jobs to take care of his family ,It is almost unheard of for a man today to even consider that.


Is this because women are stepping up and taking control of their lives more ? so the men feel they don't have to work ?


Are the romurs true that it is becoming a womens world more so then a mans, are the tables turning so much that there will be more Mr moms ?


Would like all your thoughts on this subject.


Has anyone noticed this ? Whats it all about?

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This may be due to your age. More older men are chosing not to work because they want to have more control of their lives. Others, in their late 40's and over, have lost their jobs and because of being picky are not able to find suitable employment. Employers generally are less attracted to older workers.


In the last five years, unemployment has been its lowest in American history. Because of a brisk economy, almost anybody who wants to work, no matter what their age, can find a job. Most men who don't work don't do so through their own choice.


Changes in lifestyle, excellent investment strategies and returns, inheritances, and the popularity of telecommuting (working at home) have all contributed to the ability of men...and women...to have more control over their time and work responsibilities. The Internet has had a dramatic effect on this as well.


I don't think what you have noticed is some new trend. I think you may be more conscious of it now and are noticing more men who choose a life of leisure. But generally things have been pretty much the same for a good while, in my opinion.


I also think that more people are doing what they want to instead of what society dictates they should. While 30 or 40 years ago, an older man still living with parents would have seemed outrageous to a lot of people, today it is acceptable in many families. It also gives a young man an opportunity to save a good sum of money before he goes out into the big world.

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