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She probably thinks I'm a fool

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There is this girl I think she likes me but I'm not sure. Sometimes she seems interested and other times not so much. Like one day I was coming out of a store and I am pretty sure she was in her car about to get out. But she didnt get out. I waited for a second (a split second) and she still didnt get out. I didnt want to stay and seem like a stalker so I left. Other times I can bring up something to talk about and we can have a great conversation. My whole conversation builder is, for lack of a better phrase, a comedic routine. I try to make jokes or make her laugh to see if she is going to talk. My problem is I am always trying to be funny and not just with her. So I guess she may not think I like her. But she is the only girl I have serious conversations with. I know I should have asked her out when we have serious conversations but I guess I feel she is going to think its a joke. I know this is not a question but I guess need some advice.

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Hey, I think the comedy routine is a good one, because I know that I like that quality in a guy. But, if she sees that you're like that with other girls, then it will be hard for her to know that you like her, she may just think that she is just another girl, I can say that that is how I would feel. Why not try and cool it with the other girls while you are around her so she sees that you are more interested in her and that you pay more attention to her than to other girls and that you treat her in a special way. Perhaps she ignored you when she saw you at the store because she has feelings for you and was just nervous.

Hope that helps!

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