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What is my Ex's problem


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Anyone who can help!!!,


I broke up with my girlfirend about a month ago. We had been together for over a year and then thinks started to go bad. She started dating another guy while we were still going out and is still seeing the other guy but she will not leave me alone. When we broke up she said she can not have me completely out of my life, bit after what she did I had no interest in seeing her ever again. I told her it is either all or nothing, go with him and do not ever talk to me again, or stay with me. So she went off, and at this point I was ready to accept that and was fine with not talking to her anymore. About two weeks ago the phone calls started. I would not answer the phone and she called literally about 25 times a night, alternating between my room phone and cell. I finally picked up and she was crying about how depressed she was and told me she actually started doing drug, which is a huge downer. She did not mention trying to get back with me becasue she knows I will not take her back. But she kept crying and said that she has to talk to me. I told her all or nothing and I am sticking with it, I don't want to talk to her. What is she trying to do? She is still with another guy and she keeps calling!!! How do I get her to stop calling me. Should I just continue to not answer or should I go as far as getting a restraining order if the problem doesn't fix itself?!? Anyone have any advice???

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She's one of those pathetic girls who feels she must always have a boyfriend.


She's trying to use you as her back-up just in case things don't work out with this guy...she thinks she can always run back to you. Chances are, she's done this to a lot of other guys, too. She'll keep in touch with ex's until she feels the new relationship is a sure thing.


She's using the "I'm on drugs and now you have to help me out of society says you're an a-hole" ruse to get your attention so you'll feel bad for her and be forced to help her. She's testing to see if she still has any control over you. I've seen so many women play this game.


Something to look out for: women like this get an ego buzz from seeing two guys fight over her.


This girl is pathetic. I say change both your cell phone number and your house line. Get the hell away from this woman. This one is trouble and may very well get you either landed in jail or punched out by some guy. If she starts showing up at your house, tell her to leave and if she doesn't, call the cops and get a restraining order against this loser.

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Thanks a lot. You pretty much confirmed what I suspected. She is that kind of pathetic girl and is very dependent on other people to make her I'm happy. Since I broke up with her I have been having the time of my life and it really bothers her that I'm happy. Thanks a lot for your reply.

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