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feel guilty help!


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I'm in need of advice. Yesterday my boyfriend and i were having a together time cause he told me he was off from work, but he forgot to turn in some keys. it didn't take him that long but i got mad because i thought that our together time was going to be over. I was angry eventhough he apologized i told him that it was better if we break up , he felt so sad that he almost started to cry. I assured him that i was joking and that i love him. now i feel guilty and eventhough i apologized i feel bad and don't know what to do to repair my stupid comment. please help me find a way of telling him how sorry i am.

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It would be wrong to go overboard on this. You can really show him your stuff by being more accepting of what he needs to do, less demanding that his life go your way, and just be generally accepting and supportive of how he runs his life...as long as he makes time for you.


You would be absolutely amazed at how well things will rock along in life if we become more accepting and less demanding. But doing a lot of stuff at this point to repair the comment you made will do more to remind him of it than to help him forget it.


One thing you could do that wouldn't be going overboard is giving him a nice card with a note, again apologizing for your remark and letting him know the whole thing just hit you wrong at the wrong time. Assure him, you will never do that again.


You should also try not to chose that guilt feeling. What you did was somewhat impulsive and may have set the relationship back a notch or two...but if you don't dwell on it and you start just naturally going with the flow of things, you will be amazed at how great the relationship will go.


If you get upset enough to want to break up with somebody because they have to return some keys...uh, well, uh...you need to work on that somehow. I am surprised you just didn't go with him to take the keys back. I really think the majority of ladies would have been very understanding about this. Perhaps you were just having a bad day.


If you want to have a happy relationship with anybody, you will have to learn to cut them some slack once in a while. You know...uh, well, uh, maybe be a little more, uh, understanding...and, uh, well, uh...be a little less selfish.


One of the things I hate doing the most is taking things back to someplace where I should have left them to begin with. It makes me mad at myself. It's such a waste.

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