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Please Read the "The Monogamy Myth"


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Is "critical thinking" what you used to arrive at the conclusion that being almost half a million dollars in debt would be better than your wife cheating on you? Maybe if she'd used condoms your view might be different.


I've just read through every post you've made under that name on this board, and I see nothing so brilliant in what you've chosen to share as to show you're on such a high level of intellect that you need to suggest learning material for others......

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You just do not get it. And you don't get it in an offensive way.


Hey, look up some things. Like "empathy". Or why not contrast the value of faithfulness vs. the value of the Almighty Buck.


Do you really think having my wife screw around--yet having the guy use a condom is better, something I'd appreciate?


Is the value of half a million bucks "worth more" to you than a faithful wife?


Not sure any learning materials will get through to someone who is bankrupt inside.

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It's your opinion that I'm bankrupt inside and without empathy. It's my opinion you're a jerk. Who cares?



I've been on all sides of infidelity. Does it feel good to have it happen to you? NO. Is it morally comparible to murder? NO. You chose to respond to me-I wasn't responding to anything you posted until you saw fit to "school" me in the things you felt I was lacking.


Relationships begin and end all through our lives. The ones that hurt the most are obivously the ones we share with people we truly care about. The death of a relationship with someone we love for reasons that they were unfaithful to us is not comparible to them or us being permanently removed from the land of the living. It is only our perpensity for the grandiose that allows us to even think like that.





It is impossible to hold any serious discussion on LS about monogamy, society's sacred cow, without angry posters braying at critics of monogamy for their perceived character defects and sinful ways.
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You continually illustrate that inner bankruptcy that I just pointed out about you.


So you cheat and have been cheated on. I suppose it's all good for you?


Some kind of "journey of life" theory?


Somehow I like knowing an empty person such as yourself thinks I'm a jerk.

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Don't try to minimize what you've posted previously.


You didn't state your opinion about cheating so neutrally before. Start with reading your sarcastic combative tone in posting number 51 of this thread.


and I've seen other postings of yours where you trivialize the very real effects of toxic relationship makers on folks. It seems like some kind of boredom-averting game you are playing.


I don't have to go track down your postings ad nauseum, look in the mirror, see yourself. That is, if any reflection can appear.

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Ah, so the truth comes out-you've got a BEEF with me because you don't like my attitude...why not just come out and say it?


Oh, poo on you. It's not akin to murder at all. Cram that soul death where the sun don't shine.


I find it amusing how someone can compare adultery to murder and others agree but when a person posts that they feel their loved one masturbating to porn is cheating they're slammed for being closeminded.


I heartily mean every word, including the cramming bit. I'm not minimizing. People seem to think that because they've had wrong done onto them that it equates to a MUCH more horrible act. It's inflation-the HURT from infidelity is very real, very painful, but the action itself isn't on the same scale as what's been stated on this thread previously.


You're arguing much more than my post here. You'll lose. I may have a much different way of thinking that you but by no means am I vampiric in nature.

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I'd also like to point out, before anyone gets seriously offended by my cramming remark, that most posters seem to think it's perfectly fine to go into the OW/OM forum and dish out all the rage they can. "How DARE they?"


There was a post started on it earlier today-or was it yesterday


Where is sinner when you need him.

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Originally posted by Mr Spock


I've been on all sides of infidelity. Does it feel good to have it happen to you? NO. Is it

morally comparible to murder? NO.


Relationships begin and end all through our lives. The ones that hurt the most are obivously the ones we share with people we truly care about.


I got your dislike for compairing murder to infidelity. But in the end, what's your point about infidelity?


So you've been to both sides. ok. But how do you feel about it?

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I wouldn't do it to someone I claimed to love, again. All I can control is me.


And that idiots shouldn't get married, especially to each other.

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Where is sinner when you need him.



Sinner is no more, Spock. I repent for all my sins. After reading the LoveShack Moral Majority posts, I truly believe:


1.That an extra-marital affair is the moral equivalent of murder.


2.That marriage is a perfect institution, which imperfect people muck up.


3.That porn-obsessed husbands and boy friends who whack-off 24/7 to porn are good; their neglected wives and girl friends are bad.


4. That the OW is a harridan, ho and victim.


5. That the MM is pond scum, or less.


6. That it is best on LoveShack not to reveal anything about yourself, which the Moral Majority can then use as leverage in debates.


7. That life is best lived hidden behind a key board when you frequent a message board.


8. That posters who have the honesty to report their lives, recognize life's ambiguities and nuances and who refuse to kow-tow to the Virtuous on LoveShack are sick, disturbed, selfish and misguided individuals.


9.That marital fidelity is the greatest good.


10.That the LoveShack Moral Majority is always right, and those who have the temerity to disagree are always wrong.


There you have it, Spock. Won't you join me? Come over into the light. You'll become more popular and you certainly won't have to answer any more hard questions. :)

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Just a reminder...


January 7, 2005 Midori writes: Exactly, immoralist. But while you might be more attuned to spotting the angry posts in the OM/OW forum, it's definitely a two-way exchange of unsympathetic, unhelpful posts. As you point out, many angry betrayed spouses vent their anger at those posting from the perspective of OM/OW -- and that's unacceptable. Likewise, there are OM/OW who seek to bait betrayed spouses, venting their own resentment and making themselves feel better about their position at the expense of the betrayed spouses they're attacking.


Both groups are not dealing with the individuals who are posting, nor are they responding to the particular situations under discussion. They are addressing OM/OW or Betrayed Spouses as generalized categories, and according to their own need for vindication and/or validation, rather than responding to the particular OM/OW or Betrayed Spouse in a supportive way.


I'm not hoping that my pinned warnings will eliminate the unhelpful, self-focused posts. I'm putting folks on notice that going forward they can expect that posts made in an unhelpful, attacking spirit will be deleted, even if they don't cross the line into personal attacks.

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What I don't understand is why those who don't believe in monagamy can't always work up the fortitude to stick to their convictions.


Why marry, or stay in a marriage, when you feel that monogamy is NOT for you? :confused:


As far as infidelity in comparison to murder goes, I don't necessarily buy that. I think it's more in the nature of an assault. Unless, of course, the infidelity results in AIDS being transmitted to an unsuspecting partner, who might otherwise have protected themselves.


I don't think that there is ANYTHING wrong with choosing a lifestyle outside monogamy....as long as you make your choice up front, and are not practicing deceit.

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Hmmm...ok, if infidelity doesn't weigh in the same as murder, then lets look at it like this.


The betrayed spouse had no warning that it was going to happen. It happend totally against their will or desire. It completely shatters their world, their perception of those that they love, and of course devestates their sense of worth. They can't view anything the same for a long time afterwards.


If its not like murder....maybe its more like rape? At least emotionally.

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First of all, thank you Uberfrau for bringing this book to our attention. I'll definitely check it out.


Originally posted by mental_traveller


If someone gives you their word they will be monogamous, and then screws around, then that's wrong not because they are no longer being monogamous, but because they went back on their word - if you had an agreed open relationship then polygamy would be no problem at all, therefore it is *not* monogamy that's the problem, but rather dishonesty and lying.


Very well put.



Originally posted by immoralist

After reading the LoveShack Moral Majority posts, I truly believe:


1.That an extra-marital affair is the moral equivalent of murder.




10.That the LoveShack Moral Majority is always right, and those who have the temerity to disagree are always wrong.


There you have it, Spock. Won't you join me? Come over into the light. You'll become more popular and you certainly won't have to answer any more hard question.


Nice summary. :D



Originally posted by Owl


If its not like murder....maybe its more like rape? At least emotionally.


Precisely. Been there, felt that. The murder analogy is weak at best.

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The betrayed spouse had no warning that it was going to happen. It happend totally against their will or desire. It completely shatters their world, their perception of those that they love, and of course devestates their sense of worth. They can't view anything the same for a long time afterwards.


If its not like murder....maybe its more like rape? At least emotionally.


I understand, Owl. I've experienced both sides.

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Spock and Immoralist, you sound like two angry men. I suppose it's alot easier to poke fun at people and post insults and smarmy negative comments about marriage and fidelity, than to actually have the courage to take a long look at yourself and investigate how you have arrived at the state you are in today.


I understand how it is to be betrayed and would not seek to make more pain or to ridicule any person going through it. That you seem to delight in it having been on both sides of the fence yourself is a reflection of how lost you have become over it. I am sorry for the pain you feel and your seeming inability to lift yourselves up from it, and I hope you eventually find your way back.

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Originally posted by Guest Chick

Spock and Immoralist, you sound like two angry men. I suppose it's alot easier to poke fun at people and post insults and smarmy negative comments about marriage and fidelity, than to actually have the courage to take a long look at yourself and investigate how you have arrived at the state you are in today.


I'm certain that Mr. Spock and Immoralist don't need anyone to speak up for them. They both do that VERY WELL. :laugh:


I don't think you've looked at all of their posts, though. I haven't even scratched the surface yet myself, although I've read tons.


The thing you have to consider is how they challenge you to think, and to turn a problem over and look at it from every angle.


This place would be nothing without them, and people like them.



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I wonder who's penis is bigger, mine or Immoralists?



That you seem to delight in it having been on both sides of the fence yourself is a reflection of how lost you have become over it. I am sorry for the pain you feel and your seeming inability to lift yourselves up from it, and I hope you eventually find your way back.


Did that bit of psychology fall out of your butt while you were cramming a murdered soul up it? I'm sorry for the pain you feel over yours-don't think I'm not-but the comparison of the pain of infidelity to the pain of having someone you love taken off the planet is a poor one, spiritually, metaphysically, physically-you can still say "I miss you honey, but life goes on" after you've been cheated on...can't say that with murder.


It all boils down to most of you wanting to demonize the people involved in affairs to the point where you'd be able to get away with tarring and feathering them...your own personal pain doesn't warrant it.

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