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Do you think I should make a move? Am I walking into a drama/difficult situation?

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Hi everyone, it's been a while since I last posted.


I've been going out a lot, keeping busy, and have been making new friends which has been great. But, I have recently met a guy who I think I would like to ask out, but am not sure if he's interested OR if it's a good idea to pursue anything.


(The answer may seem obvious but then when I've talked to friends about it, I've gotten mixed responses. Many say it's too early to know.)


Met this guy at a party, let's call him A, and his (also male and also single) housemate, let's call him B. Got along great with B, after chatting with A for a little while he went to catch up with some other friends and B and I kept chatting for quite some time. I had to leave to go to another party, so did they, and both insisted I get a taxi with them (it was on their way). So I did.


B asked for my number (which I don't give to people the first time I meet them) so I said why don't we add each other on Facebook? Both A and B added me, all fine there. I think that both of them seemed like nice people and we have a lot in common. I've chatted with both of them on there from time to time, just platonic chatting.


Later, A was very keen for me to come to their place and hang out with him and B one afternoon, which I was happy to do. It was a good (platonic!) catchup. B left to do something else about 2 hrs in to this visit.


A is a musician (on the side, not his day job) and insisted on playing some stuff for me which was pretty awesome. He also gave me a big hug when I left.


Ok, so long story short I really like A but I am also ok with just being friends. I am concerned I am projecting stuff on to people as I feel that I am ready to be dating again (I've been single for 6 months now).


Also, I'm concerned that if things were to progress, it could get awkward because A and B are housemates.




Maybe I should just keep things in the friend zone?

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