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confused: What should i do?


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I am in love with a guy and decided to let my parents know about it. now that they know that we are together they are always keeping an eye on me and they try to keep me away from him. he's not a bad guy, they don't know him and they don't want to. what do you suggest that i do?

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Depends on your age. If you are a minor child, 17 or younger, you are legally obligated to follow the wishes of your parents.


I don't see anything wrong with continuing to be his friend. I never used to tell my parents the names of each and every one of my friends. But this love thing may have to wait until you're 18.


Now, if you want to leave home, consult the laws of your state. They may permit that at age 16 if you have a job and can support yourself.


If you are 18 or older, I would continue seeing the guy...just don't bring him around your house. And be prepared to be cut out of your parents' will if they hear you are seeing this guy behind their back.


I really think it's very sad that your parents would react this way after you were open enough to tell them about him. Although it's extremely unreasonable and unfair, you should have known your parents well enough to know how they would react. Now that you know, you have no excuse in the future. It's your parents' loss. You won't be so open with them anymore. Sad, really.


Now, I don't know the whole story. Maybe your parents have had some problems with you in the past and they're just trying to assert their authority on this one. Maybe if you're real nice...wash the dishes, cut the grass, vacuum the living room, etc.,...they'll ease up on their feelings about this and let you bring him around. Be nice. Don't talk back. See if you can lure your parents' favor with a little kindness.


Be sure to do some nice things around the house. This always impresses parents. And give your dad and nice Valentine's Card, let him know he'll always be your number one...maybe he'll let humber two come around.


Just some thoughts. I may be way off. Sorry you're having this problem. My major problem when I was young was pimples. Don't know which is worse, parents or pimples.

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They are scared to death, they know what "in love" means


to well and it is a scary emotion that can make you make crazy choices , they just want to protect you , they probably have made mistakes in love themselves and don't want you make the same ones. Try to put yourself in their shoes as hard as that is your their little girl .


Be sensitive about how it affects them .


First love is very special and something you will remember your whole life , take it slow.


enjoy! :)

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