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Is divorce contagious?

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I am looking for some opinions from women of whether they think divorce is contagious?

Those of you who have been through a divorce, your opinion would be extremely welcome!!

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According to the medical books I've read, nope its not! :laugh:


Although I do think ignorance is inherited and traced back to ancient times.

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It's not exactly contagious but when the 1st couple in a circle does it, other think there is less stigma. Or if an unhappy person sees their friends be seemingly after after a divorce, it can make it seem like a more attractive option.

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I found that a friend that became closer and closer to me started suggesting that I really didn't have a marriage (based on things I had shared with her). She had been divorced for a very long time. The more she knew - the more she brain-washed me into dissatisfaction - and some poor choices (as I look bake upon this so-called friendship). In the end, I told her I just needed to make my own decisions (I was overseas alone at the time). That made her angry, and then she proceeded to completely betray all confidences I had shared with her to my husband. That us what led to my divorce.


So the bottom line is that previously divorced friends are not always the best people to hang around when you have marital problems. I felt like I was having an EA with this woman once she got her claws in me and started putting ideas into my head. So, yes, in that way, it is contagious. You are weak, because you are concerned about your mariage, and a strong ostenably happily divorced person takes advantage of your vulnerably - I think she was jelious of my marriage. She never gave me any positive tips. Yas

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Ah perfect!!! Thank you! Do any of you mind if I use these answers in my writing??


M x


You may use mine (without my username please). But how can we get a copy of the article?

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I had always believed the psych papers confirmed the idea that those who have divorcees within their family/friend circle were more likely to get divorced themselves. My understand was that this was pretty solidly established. Am I mistaken?

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I'm a man but I have indeed noticed that when one couple in the circle of friends divorces, several others tend to follow. I think it has to do with, as another poster stated, it reduces the stigma. It also shows other people that it can be done and life goes on. Some people recently divorced make it out like it's such a wonderful escape from their terrible marriage and they are much happier post divorce, but in reality I know a lot of these people are just saying these things cause they don't want egg on their face.

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I know that I separated with my fiancé a little more than a month ago and since then both my best friend and my mother have decided to do the same..my best friend and I had a talk one night about 2 weeks after I separated and I was talking about not being afraid in life and just having to jump sometimes without knowing where you're going to land and the next day she called and told me she had made up her mind and was leaving her hubby. My mother, same type of thing. My mother actually said, if my daughter has the courage to do it, so can I. Now mind you in both cases the relationships had been broken down for some time, but it seems that they thought hey, if she can do it, so can I.

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