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Is flirting cheating?

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I was out having drinks with some friends the other nite, and 2 of the ppl I was with happened to have dated in the past - my friend Natalie and a good buddy Michael. They're both in relationships now, but they flirt like crazy. I know them both, and neither would ever physically cheat, but I felt like they were both kinda testing the limits. Now, I am good friends with one ex, and I know that we're SO over our relationship that we're super comfy...but not quite like Mike and Nat. Is this appropriate:


1) They were talking about when they used to have sex, and he asked her if she used to orgasm.

2) We went back to Nats place and they cozied up on the couch and fell asleep.

3) They flirt like mad - he teases her and tells her that she's madly in love with him.

4) They started to smoke, and he tells her that she's hot when she smokes.

5) They play flight and pull hair, etc....and he calls her baby and hon.


I mean, it was all totally cute...but the rest of us were like....what would her bf and his gf think! Are they just really comfy, or this odd? I dont' know but it just made me sort of uncomfortable.



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flirting with intent is essentially cheating because future sexual contact may be implied. this is flirting with intent.


for instance, had both of their significant others been in the room would they have approved of all these goings on???


regular flirting just for the sake of flirting is not cause it is much more subtle

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Some friends are really close.


I flirt and tease with one of my female friends, hell I even kiss her goodbye and both of us were in long term relationships at the time. We've been friends for almost 10 years now and it really did make my ex jealous even though I assured her that nothing was going on.


I do think the sex talk is a bit inappropriate, sure we talk about sex at times but I dont usually go into that much detail, some things are best to remain between couples.

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