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Friend has withdrawn after talking feelings


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I've posted about a situation before - where I have very strong feelings for a friend of mine who currently lives abroad.


We have spoken about our feelings before, but it felt a bit unreseolved, I felt i wasn't honest enough.


I saw him again recently, and as usual, there was this huge tension. He kissed me, ad we spent the night together, but we did not sleep together.


We spoke before he left, and he said he did not want a LDR and I actually agree with this. He said he'd got to a point where it felt wrong if a day passed without us being in contact. I agreed with this too.


He said he knew i was seeing other people, because of how vague i'd been when he was asking about my plans one night, and said he didn't want to hear about it. He also said he wished we had the time and space to explore these feelings, but LDR wasn't it.


He is very reserved, but we got to a point where he told me some very intimate things about his experience etc.


So we've now gone from being in touch every day (him contacting me more often than me contacting him) to talking a few times this month. He's only contacted me once.


Why would someone withdraw liek this?

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