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why does this keep happening to me


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hi, first time posting here, need some advice.


I have been observing this all my life - when i meet girls whom i get along really well, and i've got to admit alot of times we feel moments of intense chemistry and attraction with, we would progress to a stage where we hang out all the time and get really close. then the next moment out of the blue, the girl would start to avoid me, ignore me, and for some girls, when we do talk, it would be with harsher words etc. most of them I really want to develop a good friendship with - but after all the reaction i get from them I dont know how to pick it up.


I will just inform here that I've a girlfriend whom i dated for past 9 years and we are getting married next year. I just want to make friends who are girls with no other intentions. I love my girlfriend very much and I would nvr cheat. Am i doing something wrong? Some of my other girl friends say that they are starting to like me and get guilty for liking someone like me as i am attached. is this possible? How do I avoid future situations like this?

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What makes you say there are moments of attraction?


Are you pointing that out to them? If so, they probably get uncomfortable and scram knowing you are attached.

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After you hang out with them getting to know them for sooooooo long, they think you have romantic feelings for them. When you later tell them about your GF they are embarrassed for liking you & don't want to hang out & be friends pining for something they can't have.

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