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drunk ONS with a "new friend"

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I might have gotten in some situation here ...


Second to last fraternity party, i noticed a girl. A quiet, shy girl, who for some reason captured my attention. I started talking to her, very brief, just to get to know her. It was véry brief, i pretty much only got to know her name and some random stuff.


However, last party, things got a bit out of hand. I got drunk, my friends got drunk, pretty much everyone was a bit beyond limits ... Including her.


I don't know how i ended up at her area, but i did. And we started talking. We must have talked for an hour. And we started kissing. And i ended up taking her home ...


Now, next morning, we woke up and started talking. She didn't leave, we just kept talking, and eventually we started kissing again, for about 3 hours ... Then she left, and i didn't see or hear from her in the weekend.


Now, i met her again at the university campus. I approached her when she was a bit isolated from her (rather clingy) friends, but it didn't deliver anything but smalltalk. It lasted for a while, eventually we started talking to other people , and she left to her classes without saying goodbye.


So now, i'm a bit confused at how to handle the situation. Thing is: i don't kiss random girls, the reason i did it was because she "drew my attention", as far as possible for someone i knew out of just a little bit of smalltalk. But with us both being drunk, it is rather impossible to know how 'intended' it was from her side. And since she's so shy, i guess all action will have to be taken from my side ...


Any insights or similar situations?

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Have you called her? In my day, if the guy didn't call the woman within a day or so, the woman received the clear impression that it was a one-time-thing.


But who knows what goes for relationship building these days???

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