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Going the wrong way!


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Bit about myself. I'm 30 years old and I was se*ual abused when I was 10 years old and I have just seeked help to help me with my nightmares and flashbacks. I draw him all the time but with no face because I can't remember. I can remember everything else, smell, clothes, voice etc.. but not his face.



My therapist has showed me how to relax my whole body and go into a safe place in my head.


I had to close my eyes and relax every muscle in my body and while I was relaxed I had to imagine I was walking down some stairs and at the bottom I would find a corridor and at the end I would be in my own safe place where I know one can touch me.




When I go down the stairs there are 2 exits to the corridor one is dark and someone is shouting for me to come and play and the other exit is my favorite place, the beech. NO I've choosing the wrong exit, something is pulling me to the wrong exit.......


I don't understand do I want to go back to my childhood to find out who he was or is the memories too strong to overcome.


Has anyone been in this situation.


Sorry if I you have trouble understanding this message I am sitting crying because I need a answer to a question that probably can't be answered.



Stay safe




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I was an abused child, and knew who my abuser was. So, really, your situation is much different than mine. I did have to confront my fears, though, in order to continue on.....and I think you'll have to do the same. Allow whoever your therapist is take you back and confront this person. He/She should be able to talk you through defeating your fears and help you to move on.


Good luck to you, and if you need to share, we're always here for ya!



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