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Sad and Lonely...

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Originally posted by debilou

I feel ya! 18 years married, 22 together. What now? If you're not in counseling~get there. It helps. Read every book you can get your hands on. I suggest: The Road Less Traveled (Scott Peck), Soul Stories (Gary Zucav). Go to the library it's free!


I'm reading "The Lies Women Believe" right now....I hope you get to feeling better also Debilou...it's sweet of you to try and cheer me up and give me advice when you are having such a hard time too...I would have replied to your thread but I'm just not up for any advice to give for your situation...I'm sorry but I can listen to you vent!

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Thanks for caring. I'm really a strong person, I'm just so unsure of everything right now. I know I could end all the suffering with one appointment but I don't want to rush out and make things worse.


I know the "day of reckoning" is close, it has to be. All the tears will be memories. Life goes on and so will I!


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