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If It's Over Then Why Does He Still Call?

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Had a fight with the bf about a month and half ago.....wrote him a letter in the interim and asked him if there was someone else.....he called me and said no but gave me some feeble reasoning as to why he suddenly wanted to end it after almost 5 yrs.....he said he still loved me and would always be there for me and if i needed anything just call. (?)


Me like an idiot ask him i if i could bring him back a souvenir from my home state i will be visiting over the holidays....he quickly assented and then said he would be over on the day after i got back which would be New Year's Eve.....a day really for couples i think. Well my first thought was that it would be 2 months by then that i saw him last and it looks like he is just coming over to collect his 'gift' rather than see me and so i resolved not to buy the souvenir and make sure i wasn't home that day if he still called.


Last weekend he did call again however and wanted to come over but i was too sick from the flu to have him come and frankly i was uneasy as he was acting too nice and asked if i needed anything and i kept thinking he was doing that as to insure my getting him that souvenir/gift from my home state.....also college football was prempted that Saturday and he bets every weekend on the games and the prospect of making a 100 bucks is more important to him than spending time with me usually.....so that is another reason why i was suspicios that he wanted to come over......


He has done this in the past as well.....ending it....letting a month go by and then calling out of the blue as if nothing as happened......course i mentioned earlier in my posts that he is a 25 yr heroin user and still using at 52 tho he is on probation at present and in the past that was a reason why he would lie low too...



He says he wants to be friends......but as the rejected party i have more feelings than he does and frankly they are starting to dissapate after a month and half of silence and constantly being kicked to the curb without warning......i don't think i love him anymore and i certainly don't trust him and would be afraid to have unprotected sex with him even if he says there is no one else......all i know is he has to be spending his time with someone...


Why does he still call me if we are supposed to be over?

Should i not bring him back that gift?


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He ended the relationship. Let him go. How can you be friends if you still have strong feelings for him. You are only going to end up hurt. Let him go!

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Can't feel any remorse. You should be smarter than that, woman.


a 25 yr Heroin User??? What the Hell?



[color=red]Selfish Bastard[/color] is the best way to desribe someone like this.



i like Heroin and betting on teams more than my woman.


Give me a break.

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Originally posted by bicyclejunk

Can't feel any remorse. You should be smarter than that, woman.


a 25 yr Heroin User??? What the Hell?



[color=red]Selfish Bastard[/color] is the best way to desribe someone like this.



i like Heroin and betting on teams more than my woman.


Give me a break.



Sad but true.....over the course of almost 5 yrs. with him everything else took precedence over me....if it wasn't heroin then it was pot that he smoked 24/7....also his 'using' buddies would come first as well.....i guess i was always on the back burner in case he got in trouble which was often.....either he needed a roof over his head....money due to loss of jobs due to his addiction....or when he was in jail he needed me to send him money. Now he is on probation for 5 yrs after acquiring his 5th felony for drug possession....so he has to stay clean but i kinda doubt it as he has been on parole and probation before in the past before he met me and admitted to using then as well.


He has his own little room now and sweeps up at a factory for temp wage so he really doesn't need me anymore. He continually holds aside Saturday and his whole free day Sunday so he can watch the games with his buddies....but really to see if he won the football pool at work (another addiction)


He says there is no one else but there is one woman he visits in his drug infested neighborhood....playing the good samaritan as he describes it.......supposedly she is dying of cancer but he is vague as to what kind of cancer she has....how long he's known her and other particulars.....but he did know all about her pain medication such as Oxycontin and Palladone which are heroin addicts choice of pills......i dunno i could be stretching it here a bit with my suspicions..


In conclusion it is pretty evident that i mean nothing to him and he seems more of monster to knowingly disrespect and invalidate me the way he does.....i truly do not deserve this treatment


Thanx for the reality slap upside the head


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he's probably holding on to someone that's saw him through the last 5 years when he's probably

saw more friends and things for him come and go in his life. i guess there's a saying about

knowing who your true friends are when you go through hard times. maybe he knows that you are

the only good stable thing in his life. but the point is he's taking advantage of you, taking you for granted,

and not giving you what you need.


don't give him the satisfaction of being able to treat you like garbage and still be there when it's convenient for him.

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Originally posted by rabidfan

he's probably holding on to someone that's saw him through the last 5 years when he's probably

saw more friends and things for him come and go in his life. i guess there's a saying about

knowing who your true friends are when you go through hard times. maybe he knows that you are

the only good stable thing in his life. but the point is he's taking advantage of you, taking you for granted,

and not giving you what you need.


don't give him the satisfaction of being able to treat you like garbage and still be there when it's convenient for him.




When he was busted for drug trafficking....the dealer/old time friend that he was living with gave him up to save her own skin....likewise he ratted her out to the prosecutor so his sentence was reduced to possession of a reduced amt. of heroin than the original amt. found in the basement. Of course when he was living there for almost 2 yrs cause i kicked him out he pleaded innocent to everything stating that he was aware she was dealing but he was just a tenant and not involved......Jesus the dude use to cop from her and of course i knew he was guilty of the drug trafficking charge anyway.


He has a beautiful daughter that just earned her 2nd Master's Degree and he has a beautiful granddaughter as well but his daughter has since disowned him (she and both her adopted parents as he was serving a 10 yr sentence when she was born and the mother was declared unfit and had a boyfriend that was molesting my ex bf's daughter from age 2 to 9)


I think he hates me now because i am stable and have had it with his addiction and violence......a couple a months ago i found about 100 bucks worth of heroin hidden in my living room that he had forgotten about....and here he is telling everyone including the judge that he had nothing to do with heroin for almost 2 yrs and the fact that he brought it into my home makes him more of a cockroach.....


He always seems to get in trouble when i am not on the scene and if he is involved with someone else then either she is a 'user' like himself which will be his undoing in the end or she is someone nice and stable like me which will be her undoing in the end.


He dumped me but he is the one who is really f**ked up and i think my being drug free and stable is a bore to him now.....he stills prefers people places and things as they say in AA to me......i hope someday he realizes his folly and his loss by not appreciating me more but i don't think so.


Gotta get my self esteem back


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