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Confused Guy Needs SOme Advice

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I meet this girl at the bar that went to the same high school as me and I ended up getting her number because we had this really good conversation. I didn't hang out with her the whole night, because i would go talk to other friends and she did the same. She gave me a hug before she left and she said to call her the next day.

I called her but we played phone tag that night because i had other things to do that night. So I talked her Sunday and we talked back and forth on text message. We were flirtatious and stuff. So I told her that she should get ahold of me when she isnt' busy like on thursday or friday. She agreed.

So she called me to see what i was up to on tuesday and we talked for awhile. She had work the next day so i said we should hang out on thursday. She agreed.

I then went out with friends on wednesday to play trivia at the bar. She showed up at the bar that night but wasn't drinking. It was kinda unexpected so it was sorta an awkward chat. We talked but it didn't look like she was like all excited to see me. So i went over to my friends and said i would come back over to her later. So I came back later to see if she wanted to help us with trivia. She was like nah, I'm helping these guys over here. She then left alittle bit after that and gave me a hug before she left. I then messaged her that night to see if we were still hanging out. She said if i wanted to ...and said she needed to go to the mall. So I called her and we talked about the mall for a little bit and then she had to go. She said that she will call me today.


I'm kinda confused at the vibe. I thought that since she took the initiative to call me on Tuesday then she was interested, but when i saw her unexpectedly at the bar it was alittle awkward. How should I take that ...and what should be my next move?

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But how would you take the fact that the bar last night was alittle shady and awkward. She didn't seem very interested at all. That's what concerns me....

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I wouldn't take it as anything without asking her about it. If you peruse the boards enough you'll know that I'm a very blunt person. If someone behaves in a questionable manner I ask. It makes everything so much more simple.

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I went to the mall and had fun and we are going to probably hang out on saturday.

About the other night at the bar, why it was awkward...

She wasn't drinking because she had to work and said that she was bored there. And it is true she was there for like an hour. So it was all good. I went to the mall with her and had fun. I'm still in that inbetween stage where you don't know what the other person wants.

I am definitely interested in her. I have asked her to hang out and I'm wondering do you think it is obvious to her that I'm interested since I have called her and talked to her about hanging out? Because I don't want to fall into that category of friend. Its not like we went out with a group. and I suggested we hang out on Saturday. She was like okay sounds good, call me. Is it common for a girl to met a guy and think that they are just friends? I talked to both her and her friend at the bar the first night, but asked for her number. Is that obvious enough? or what?....

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Max thinks a big part of your problem is that you want her to see you as a romantic possibility yet you treat her as though she were a bud you just want to "hang out with"


Try calling her up and asking her to go out on a date with you. Should she be all excited to see you when you tell her that she should , like..., get a hold of you?...?? when she's not busy???, so you two can like, ...do somethin' maybe?.... like together, or something?


Max talks that way to his old high school buddies too. Be a man, not a boy, in fact be a gentleman and ask her out for a proper date. Pick her up, pay for a dinner, open door for her, and walk her home and hope she kisses you on the cheek goodnight.


Max thinks you'll be surpriesed hope happy she is to see you next time round.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Never got a NO.

Whisper on her ear this... "I like to be spanked, do you?" and smile. I'm telling you boy... that works like a charm.... She'll start laughing and laughing.... Prepare your cheeks though... She'll be on you like dried gum on a park bench... Listen to the voice of the experience... She'll be on you like a cheap suit, like baby crap on corduroi... I ain't kidding ya boy...


Billy the Fast.

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