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Would a guy say this if he Didnt mean it?

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Hi. I was introduced to this guy, josh, on my summer program last summer. We literally spoke for 30 seconds and other people were around. I Didnt think anything of it. Then we never saw eachother or spoke for the rest of the summer. he had a girlfriend for the rest of the summer program. However when we got back from the program he Facebook messaged me saying "hey". We had a normal conversation and then he asked me why he Didnt see me for the rest of the summer. I told him "I guess we had different schedules." We became friends after talking for a long period of time on Facebook/txt. We were just friends so I asked him why a certain guy i was talking to likes me. He said "I'm not surprised he likes you. You were the prettiest girl in the program." I think I'm pretty, but in a natural way. The only makeup I wear is mascara. However I don't know if I should believe him because even though I believed I was one of the prettiest, the other girls wore more makeup, straightened their hair etc. wouldn't a teenage guy be brainwashed into thinking they are prettier? There was also over 100 girls in the program.


Josh and I live 2 hours away from eachother so I don't think he wants to meet up with me. He also is not preverted. He's a nice classy guy. Does this mean he meant what he said? Because he knows he's not getting anything out of it anyway? It's not like he's trying to sleep with me.


I hate being lied to because then I feel like a fool. Thanks.

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Learn how to take a compliment. Say thank you & move on.



Yes, some men lie to get you to sleep with them but if you don't think he has ulterior motives like that just be flattered & move on. What's the big deal?

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I'm sure he did mean it. Not all guys like makeup and straightened hair. Could be you are exactly his type.


And he could have just said it being nice - not due to any ulterior motives.

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