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well the bf and i broke up at the end of the year, he says that he's not ready to get serious all of a sudden, i know that it is a excusse not to see me anymore, him, he works for the city so i know that i could see him(a opps thing).


he asked me never to call him again because he told me that i have gave him something yeast infection, mean while he has been dating a few other girls at the same time without me knowing. he clames that he used a condom with them and not me that is how he knows it was me that gave it to him, i went ot the doctors for my own health and called him and told him that he better find out who really gave this to him because it was not me i was clear of anything. at that time because i was laughing and it pissed him off he told me to make this call the last one i make to him.. i laughed and said ok bye then. i do not really want ot see him again, i don't think that i want to talk to someone that hurt me like this but how can i get through the hard times.


any ideas?


i suffer from panic attacks when i know things are not right in my life i feel them and i am feeling them after i woke up this morning. we haad dreams together and a future now all ofa sudden this happened.



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this guy sounds like a real gutless wonder. that is the lowest of the low to go and acuse someone of "passing on a yeast infection" (does he realise that you don't even have to sleep with someone to get a yeast infection?). that is the most pathetic excuse for a break up i have ever heard.


he has done you a favour by not wanting to call you again. he does not deserve someone like you.


it's heartbreaking when you have hopes and dreams that you share with someone, and then all of a sudden they're gone. but think of it this way - he's just proved himself to be someone completely different to what you THOUGHT he was. he has showed his true colours, and they are certainly not pretty. not to mention, in the future, you will have even more hopes and dreams with someone else. you really will. it will just take a bit of time to get him out of your system, but you will be able to. talk to friends and family. keep a diary of your feelings, and use positive affirmations, such as "i am getting over this", "i deserve the best". say them out loud, and often. every day you will be getting over it just that little bit more, even if you don't realise you are.


as for the anxiety attacks - when you are stressed your adrenal glands become stimulated. they release increased levels of hormones, increasing the heart rate, constricting blood vessels and basically affecting every other body system, creating the "fight or flight" response. using mild exercise is crucial and can get rid of these feelings in less than 3-5 minutes. learning how to speak to yourself differently, how to think differently (positive affirmations, above) and how to make lifestyle changes to lessen this response is also very important. you have much more control over these feelings than you can ever imagine, so please know this is not an illness and you, yourself can be instrumental in the reversal of these feelings. in any case, it may not hurt to pay a visit to your doctor if you're feeling distressed about this and consider seeing a counsellor. they can do wonders for you.


good luck to you. things are only going to get better from now on :)


well the bf and i broke up at the end of the year, he says that he's not ready to get serious all of a sudden, i know that it is a excusse not to see me anymore, him, he works for the city so i know that i could see him(a opps thing).


he asked me never to call him again because he told me that i have gave him something yeast infection, mean while he has been dating a few other girls at the same time without me knowing. he clames that he used a condom with them and not me that is how he knows it was me that gave it to him, i went ot the doctors for my own health and called him and told him that he better find out who really gave this to him because it was not me i was clear of anything. at that time because i was laughing and it pissed him off he told me to make this call the last one i make to him.. i laughed and said ok bye then. i do not really want ot see him again, i don't think that i want to talk to someone that hurt me like this but how can i get through the hard times. any ideas? i suffer from panic attacks when i know things are not right in my life i feel them and i am feeling them after i woke up this morning. we haad dreams together and a future now all ofa sudden this happened. HELP!!!

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thank you for your responce, I have been through this before and i got over ti, i know that i will, i hate the fact that people are even like that thoough. ya you are very right he has shown his true colors, it's bette rnow then later i guess hey.


again thank you



this guy sounds like a real gutless wonder. that is the lowest of the low to go and acuse someone of "passing on a yeast infection" (does he realise that you don't even have to sleep with someone to get a yeast infection?). that is the most pathetic excuse for a break up i have ever heard. he has done you a favour by not wanting to call you again. he does not deserve someone like you. it's heartbreaking when you have hopes and dreams that you share with someone, and then all of a sudden they're gone. but think of it this way - he's just proved himself to be someone completely different to what you THOUGHT he was. he has showed his true colours, and they are certainly not pretty. not to mention, in the future, you will have even more hopes and dreams with someone else. you really will. it will just take a bit of time to get him out of your system, but you will be able to. talk to friends and family. keep a diary of your feelings, and use positive affirmations, such as "i am getting over this", "i deserve the best". say them out loud, and often. every day you will be getting over it just that little bit more, even if you don't realise you are. as for the anxiety attacks - when you are stressed your adrenal glands become stimulated. they release increased levels of hormones, increasing the heart rate, constricting blood vessels and basically affecting every other body system, creating the "fight or flight" response. using mild exercise is crucial and can get rid of these feelings in less than 3-5 minutes. learning how to speak to yourself differently, how to think differently (positive affirmations, above) and how to make lifestyle changes to lessen this response is also very important. you have much more control over these feelings than you can ever imagine, so please know this is not an illness and you, yourself can be instrumental in the reversal of these feelings. in any case, it may not hurt to pay a visit to your doctor if you're feeling distressed about this and consider seeing a counsellor. they can do wonders for you. good luck to you. things are only going to get better from now on :)


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Be strong. He showed you what he really was like. It was a very cruel way to break it off with you. But the good side is that you can see how mean he is and therefore can be glad that he is out of your life. You may have been in love with the idea of him rather than the reality of him: He slept around and then accused you of giving him a disease!

thank you for your responce, I have been through this before and i got over ti, i know that i will, i hate the fact that people are even like that thoough. ya you are very right he has shown his true colors, it's bette rnow then later i guess hey. again thank you Jackie
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I know i think that he is scum. I do not have any desire for him in my life, when i think of it I was alot better off when I was alone and just with my kids. I have gotten in contact with my old friends that I knew when i was a child. thats putting me out of it buig time. I do not talk about him to them I talk about me and whats up with me.I know that he lied when he got mad when i told him that he had to get all the other girls that he has been with and tell them to get checked...


lol on him,



Be strong. He showed you what he really was like. It was a very cruel way to break it off with you. But the good side is that you can see how mean he is and therefore can be glad that he is out of your life. You may have been in love with the idea of him rather than the reality of him: He slept around and then accused you of giving him a disease!
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