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I am very upset about the way my brother treats his children,he does not deserve them and they don't deserve the life of dealing with an a**hole, my sister in law loves him , why i don't know? he has always been abusive to my family from chidhood and I beleive he has some psyco reasons for his behavior but refuses to see it or get help, I don't know what to do about it , I asked my sister in law to divorce him , but she won't bc she is afraid of him.


He has been emotionally and physically abusive to all of them , can anyone tell me what to do ? or how to get them help?

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If a parent is physically abusive to his children, you can report this anonymously to police and social workers. State investigators wil look into the matter promptly, talk to neighbors, friends and relatives. Then, action will be taken against the guilty parent. Child abuse is a very serious offense.


In some cases, the children are removed from the home and put temporarily in foster homes in order to free them from the abusive they have been suffering. It sounds like this would be much better for them.


If you feel the abuse is that bad, I urge you to report this to the proper authorities. Your identity will never be divulged and the lives of these children may be saved from more serious damage and a life of difficulties because of the dysfunction they have to sustain.


If your sister-in-law sustains this type of abuse, she is absolutely no better. I can't believe a mother would subject her children to this. She is as worthless as your brother.


What family did this brother of yours come from???

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Our family was dysfuntionally growing up, but most of us have normally lives now, there has always been something wrong with him since childhood ,my mother can see no wrong in him , because she was also an abusive parent, and because she was never told about the things he had done to me (mainly because she would not believe it ), I told my sister in law to get state help and a restraining order, if she doesn't , I will step in . I don't know how a mother could stand by an watch it either , but its done everyday,


Mothers sometimes are the abusers , I will never understand


how anyone can hurt a child , It's definitly a Mental thing.


I have heard her say cruel things to the children too. I don't think they realize what words can do to a child.


They all need counceling . I will not let it go on.



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Don't wait one more minute. Call your State family service agency, whatever they call it, and report this abuse immediately. Give them all the details. That is extremely important and you should do this soon.


These children are helpless and need to have protection and they need to have that immediately.


Please don't wait, do it now. If these children are being abused and you sit back and take no action, you will be contributing as much to the abuse as your brother.


Your post above was rather vague on what your intentions are. You know what I hope they are.

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