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no natter what were always gonna be close

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My insurance broker called & said he needed $350 for my car. I didnt have $350 to give to him, I'm a full time college student & I work part time. So I said id get back to him & that I would figure it out. About an hour later my ex calls me and asks if I needed money.. because apparently my broker called him (they know eachother) .. so I went to see him, didn't go how I wanted it to at all I hoped for us to kiss and makeup lol but he just gave me the money and I left. He calls me later and asks if everything went okay and asked what I was doing all weekend.. that was Friday & Saturday after I was thinking about him the entire day, I get a text message "no matter what were always going to be close".. which made my day.. I don't know what to take from that. Obviously he cares about me. probably over analyzing the text because hes very straight up about everything, & he'd tell me "I just wanna be friends" which is exactly what the text sounds like. I haven't text back yet but I'm considering calling him today.

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