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THis girl I meet seems really cool and I think that there is hope here with her but I'm not sure. I'm trying to understand what's going on with the whole situation without being too pushy.


I got her number one night when i was out, we talked a few times on the phone her calling me and me calling her. It hasnt' been consistent that we talk like every day or there has been a few gaps where I'll call her and she won't get back to me that day but eventually will like the next day.


I asked her to hang out and we went to the mall. We were very flirtatious and we seem to have a good connection. It seemed like she was eager to tell me about herself and we had alot in common.

At the end of the night she said she needed to shop more for christmas, so I said well what are you doing tomorrow?


She had plans to go out with a girl from work and then plans to hang out with her brother on saturday. So she said for me to call her yesterday and we would figure it out.


So I called her yesterday to see what was up. and no answer...I text her today and no response?


I don't want to be overeager and call her again...but at the same time I'm really bugged by the fact that she wouldn't have at least responded and said yeah, hey, I'm going out but I'll talk to you later. Or something.


No response is like a mystery that can make your mind tweek. You get to thinking..this girl isn't interested, she told me to call her but really didn't want to talk. Who knows?


Could i have someone tell me is this a common thing girls may do? I mean things seemed pretty good and golden when we hung out. Am I overreacting? Or is it a lost cause? Let me know what you think and what the next move should be because this girl is fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely not a lost cause if what you said was true. If you two connected well and blah blah blah, then I'm sure she will call back. She is probably busy, or out of town for shopping or something along those lines. Its good that you called her once or twice, and messaged her, but let that be. It really freaks out a girl when she gets 30 calls from the same guy in one day. Give it a day or so, you'll see. I think you may be overreacting just a bit, but don’t worry about it.


Added: Oh, maybe shes playing hard to get. Girls do that, they play with your mind sometimes.

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Originally posted by Bohdi10

So I called her yesterday to see what was up. and no answer...I text her today and no response?


I don't want to be overeager and call her again




Sorry, you've already come off as overeager. And the eager beaver gets no beaver, if u know what I mean....


Let her contact you, even if it is 8 wks from now or never. Initiate NC on your part.

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Even though the way the previous poster worded a part of his post...



And the eager beaver gets no beaver, if u know what I mean....



In a disgusting, piggish, immature way...his overrall advice was decent...you shouldn't contact her anymore...she chose not to get back into contact with you so therefor you shouldn't push it any farther...



If she is interested (since you've contacted her twice) i'm sure she'll find a way to let you know...Good luck!

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Originally posted by Barby

Even though the way the previous poster worded a part of his post...






In a disgusting, piggish, immature way...his overrall advice was decent


thanx for the vote of confidence barby! :p

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Relax, man, relax. Nothing is more annoying than being overeager during the busy holiday time. You both barely know each other and she's got family pulling her in all different directions.


The only thing I would say is to make one more call/text message SOMETIME NEXT YEAR. Normally, I wouldn't say this, but my memory is bad this time of year and I may not remember who I went on a date with during Christmas week. If she does not respond NEVER CALL AGAIN THIS CENTURY.

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