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How to do it right

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I am seriously wondering an honest opinion on how to deal with relationships. I just want a truthful answer and not something that will be to make me feel better. I always hear that girls want a guy who is honest, and fun, and has a great personality. And looks are not the most important thing. Now I would consider myself a cute guy. You wouldn't say i'm hot or anything, but you would be like he is a cute guy. Most girls that i know say the same thing. I have a great personality, I am funny and look to have a good time. I'm also responsible, I have a full time job, I have my own house, I'm young looking, I'm honest. My word is my bond. So if I have all these qualities what am I doing wrong? I know that people always say...It will hit you when you least expect it but i haven't had a decent relationship for 2 years now. What seems to be problem? How can i fix this?

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May be the last 2 years were meant to be spent on your own.

Try to view this time as part of your own journey and growth as a person rather than a negative thing. Being on your own for a while is not a reflection of you being undesirable as a person.


Perhaps this time being single has better equipped you for a happy and serious relationship? You obviously see the value in sharing your time with others, because you have been on your own for a while.


I have a great personality, I am funny and look to have a good time. I'm also responsible, I have a full time job, I have my own house, I'm young looking, I'm honest. My word is my bond. So if I have all these qualities what am I doing wrong?


I'm sure there are many women out there that would like you. You aren't doing anything wrong. If you have self-respect and the capacity to love I think you have every reason to trust in the universe and plod along until your woman reveals herself. Sometimes it really is a matter of people meeting when the time is right.


good luck ;)

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I agree with you that the two years was a growth period and enjoyable to just be me and do whatever. But it gets to the point that you are ready. I mean I am so ready to find her and settle down. Just that big wonder of when bugs the hell out of me.

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I understand your frustration... but nobody can tell you when!

Do you put yourself out there?

Do you meet many women?


That's great that you are "ready", some people aren't very good at sharing their lives.

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I put myself out there and go up to and talk to girls. I am shy inside but i hold that back and take chances. I have gotten burned by some of them and some have bothered me and others I just take it and brush it off. I am a pretty confident person but it does hurt when you get that rejection and it seems to slow rip you up the more it happens. I'm just hoping that i met one that likes me for me before my esteem gets dropped down to being depressed.

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