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What should I do?

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My boyfriend has trouble with condoms. He said he has always been like that. We have been in a 9 month relationship, and the only time we managed to have sex is unprotected, and I am freaking out, even though he pulls out, I am still afraid, and if he will not be able to solve this condom problem, what the hell should I do, should we break up? I love him, he is the perfect guy. I know that he is not lying to me, because we have tried numerous times, and it does not work. He went to his doctor, and he is physically not impotent, however, he has a very stressful job, and sleeps for like 5 hours a night. Could this be inhibiting his arousal? He is fine without a condom, 90% of the time.


If he never be able to have sex with me with a condom, is it worth staying in this relationship, I just want women's opinion. If you love a guy, would you sacrifice this whole condom business and search for other alternatives...???


I dont want to get pregnant..



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For the sake of the ladies you requested to answer your post, can it be assumed that you are strictly against using any form of birth control yourself?

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If you love this guy and have a good relationship, don't break up with him because of a silly thing like condoms. You could always.. *gasp* not have sex until you're ready for the consequences. Trust me, it is completely possible to have a satsifactory romantic and physical relationship (via oral sex, fingers, toys, and other goodies) while never actually having intercourse. If you can't live without sex (or your boyfriend can't), there are other means of contraception. The pill is the most obvious. There are also "female condoms" and diaphragms--forms of physically blocking sperm that YOU can use. Condoms are not the only option... this is something the two of you should discuss together.

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I don't think I can use those hormone altering pills...Female condoms I heard are not comfortable..what else

For the sake of the ladies you requested to answer your post, can it be assumed that you are strictly against using any form of birth control yourself?
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Then try abstinence.


By the way, what kind of 'problems' is your bf having with condoms anyway? It sounds like a lame excuse. You two should educate yourselves a little more about condoms and other forms of contraception. Go to your physician and tell him to do the same.

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hey, ever heard of the pill or the shot. also, there are other alternatives such as cervical cap, spermicidal lubricant. If you cannot trust him to be monogamous, then maybe you shouldnt be with him. If you dont want to try these other methods, then maybe you two should call it off.



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Although I agree with the fact that you don't want to get pregnant, what about you health risks ?


Like aids and std ?


the condom for the most part is the best way besides abstinence to protect yourself?


Do you know the risk you are taking ?


Get smart about sex and all that it includes talk to your doctor or get a book on it .


Most doctors say it is healthier for a women to always use a condom , even before all the nasty health issues.


I never did with my husband , but after he cheated I was devistated at the thought of what could have happened ,


It's sad , but a reality, you just never know.


be safe healthy and happy : )

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